16th Century’s Valuable Artifacts Discovered

Editorials News | Sep-13-2016

16th Century’s Valuable Artifacts Discovered

Global Marin Exploration a U.S. based company, has found a Spanish wrecked ship.

The scientists have analyzed that the Spanish shipwreck belongs to 16th century.


The Findings have been identified from the distinct expedition to Florida by the French navigator Jean Ribault. The scientists have also described two bronze cannons are three meter long and one is two meter long in size.


One marble antique with an attached coat-of-arm of the France’s king has also been found by the scientists. Robert Pritchett stated that in 1565, the findings were detained in a Spanish raid. He also added that the cannons and gravestones were being looted from Florida, on Spanish ships to Havana and Cuba.


Strom can be the reason that banished the valuables to the sea according to Pritchett. These million dollars cannon and highly expensive marble monuments are the most significant piece of marine history ever found till date as per the analysts.


Along with three antiques 19 iron cannons, 12 anchors, a stone mashing wheel, and a dotted ballast has also been found by the divers. A researcher has also added that “The pattern on the one of the bronzes cannons specify that it was created during the sway of King Henry-2 of France in 1540”.


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