The Lake on Titan Could Help Future Space Probes

Editorials News | Jul-10-2017

The Lake on Titan Could Help Future Space Probes

Scientists from The University of Texas at Austin have found that most waves on Titan's lakes reach only about 1 centimeter high. The research shows that a serene environment could be good news for future probes sent to the surface of that moon.

It has been proven in past that Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and one of the locations in the solar system that is thought to possess the ingredients for life.

Few images, taken by Cassini Orbiter, a NASA probe, indicate a smooth brown orb because of its thick atmosphere clouded with gaseous nitrogen and hydrocarbons. Though, radar images from the same probe show a different story. The radar image shows that the planet has a surface crust made of water ice and drenched in liquid hydrocarbons. On Titan, methane and ethane fall from the sky as rain, fill deep lakes that dot the surface, and are possibly spewed into the air by icy volcanoes called cryovolcanoes.

By: Ms. Priyanka Negi


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