Interview with Mr. Manhar Kapadia

22 Feb, 2017Manhar Kapadia is a renowned artist who has done award-winning painting exhibitions. Manhar’s paintings are mostly based on Mahatma Gandhi and depicts Gandhiji as a saint-like character and an idol of righteousness. These paintings capture all the attention of the spectators while making the eco-contemporary shadow with the realistic work. Let's find out more about Mr. Kapadia.
What inspires you to be a painter?
I failed in 10th standard. I don’t remember exactly but at that time I did some paintings and my neighbor told me for join Fine Arts College. I didn’t even know about Fine Arts College at that time.
Was it difficult to follow your dreams?
Yes of course. I was living in a slum area in Anand, Gujarat. After my father’s death it was very difficult to survive for us in a financial way. Even I sold water glasses on railway station at that time. So, it has been a long and a difficult journey.
What qualification it demands to become an artist?
It is not important to join a college of arts to become in an artist. There are so many artists around us who did no studied in fine arts college or any other art college, but the basic knowledge of art like academic art is very important. You have to build your own creativity as an artist.
What inspiration you got from your friends and family during your journey?
When I was studying in college my cousins supported me a lot. After my marriage my wife supported me every time. And now my son supports me a lot, we love to work together because we understand each other well.
Do you agree that parents play an essential role to improve the creative skills of children?
In my case when I was studying my father died so I had to suffer in all the difficult situations at my young age. But yes parents play an essential role to improve the creative skills of children in today’s generation.
How you do advocate art as an important part of a child's education?
Every child has freedom in his childhood. At childhood the child learn very important life lesson. Through painting or any art they build their own creation and learn some lessons also by themselves. Personally I believe freedom is very important in childhood.
According to you, how students should take the first step towards creativity?
Every art student has to study the things around themselves in the real world. Because we can create everything from anything in art. Even we all can think in an artistic way for everything around us, only some have that kind of sense.
How important is it to choose a subject to create something on canvas?
Subject is very important in painting, graphic or I can say in every medium. Because when you create your own concept in mind and when it goes on canvas, there are so many things which might change. But every time the basic concept of art is very important. Because society takes a message from that concept.
What is your best advice for students who are interested in this field?
This is the best field to change this world through your eyes; at least you can create your own world.
As you have done so many exhibitions all over India, what are your future plans?
This year I’m taking rest till October, because I have done four solo shows in 2016.
On 2nd October there would be some planning for my next show on Gandhiji.