frequently Asked Questions
Qus. We are already promoting our School on different Social Media platforms.
Ans. We are the leading K12 media. Wider community of K-12 students and wider audience at national and international level.
Qus. Our School is very small to promote.
Ans. The smaller the school, the more important it is to associate since FairGaze brings the benefit of the leading k-12 community to the students of even the smallest school in the remotest of place. The achievements of the students of even the smallest school get noticed by the larger K12 community of student enabling knowledge sharing and learning.
Qus. What do you provide for Students from Kindergarten to 7th class?
Ans. FairGaze brings programs that introduces students to various forms of art (music, dance, pottery, singing, theater etc.) which helps the student to expand their horizon and appreciate their talents.
Qus. Which news channel or newspaper you are associated with?
Ans.We can get your news published in any media as a PR agency for the school. Our position as leading k12 media also allows us to influence other media channels.
Qus. How many schools are your paid members?
Ans. About 30-35 schools in NCR
Qus. Do you conduct any workshops for teachers and parents also?
Ans. Since FairGaze is mentor driven ecosystem, we are in a position to customize training workshops for both teachers and parents.
Qus. In Google search, at which page the name FairGaze is visible?
Ans. We are in the top listing for many searched words and in the top 30 listings for most other keywords searched by parents and students on all major search engines.
Qus. Different School has different needs, some schools only want specific services out of the bundled services. Can you provide that?
Ans. Yes, we can.
Qus. Will I get students for admissions through your website?
Ans. We are the leading K12 media and community of students. However, once you have a brand is associated with FairGaze, awareness about your schools will increase and positively impact admissions. The Digital News Letter gives access to admission procedure of your school to FairGaze community
Qus. What kind of media coverage do we provide?
Ans. We are the leading K12 media and community of students. However, once you have a brand is associated with FairGaze, awareness about your schools will increase and positively impact admissions. The Digital News Letter gives access to admission procedure of your school to FairGaze community
Qus. Who will have the access for online newsletter?
Ans. Access is given to enable change and upload content. The content of the newsletter will also be carried on the homepage of FairGaze.
Qus. Can we see the number of views on posts on our online newsletter?
Ans.We can provide you any data that you need and we will be much more than happy to provide you the same.
Qus. Does the cost of online newsletter vary with the numbers of students?
Ans. The cost of DNL is fixed.
Qus. Can you provide customized DNL?
Ans.We made the best layout possible to cater to your need. We can customize as required but the overall look and feel of the ONL cannot be changed
Qus. Why only 2 student journalist for your program?
Ans. We can have more than two student journalist and they all can work on rotation basis.
Qus. How do you do holistic development?
Ans. The student is introduced to all possible forms of arts and talents thereby expanding the students horizon and leading to holistic understand and development. All our programs are focused on holistic development.
Qus. What's long term goal of FairGaze?
Ans. To be the single point of reference for K12 community that includes schools, parents and students.
Qus. How old is Your Company?
Ans. We are about three years old company.
Qus. There are many companies which are conducting seminars free of cost then why should pay you.
Ans. FairGaze also provides free seminars when you sign up for Digital Newsletter.
Qus. We are a Brand, don’t need anything.
Ans. FairGaze brings the K12 ecosystem which includes mentors, psychologists, careerists from various fields and more than 50,000 students. We are strongly K12 focused and offer an ecosystem that is very unique.
Qus. What are you getting out of it?
Ans. FairGaze brings the K12 ecosystem which includes mentors, psychologists, careerists from various fields and more than 50,000 students. We are strongly K12 focused and offer an ecosystem that is very unique.
Qus. Does it give the same engagement that we give?
Ans. Our content is focused on K12 students and we engage students on various levels right from involving them to write content for your newsletter to encouraging participation in your school’s programs.