mental wellness campaign
video messages
"Dear all, There is no doubt, the present time is very crucial and challenging, something that we had not thought off or dreamt off. Words like lockdown, curfew, stay at home, social distancing we had never heard of but are now a part of everyday conversation. Nobody knows how long this lockdown is going to stay. But let’s remember every difficult time has something to teach us. Life is 10% what you get it and 90% what you make it! It is important for us to think about how we want to utilize this time. More than this, how we want our kids to deal with this situation. One way is we just spend every day without any serious thought and other is we spend every minute thoughtfully. I think the most important is to have a well-thought routine with a mix of activities, rest, relaxation and household chores. Considering the fact that even the regular help of servants and maids is going to be missing, it is important for the whole family to divide the work and not burden one person with everything. This will make children responsible and make them busy. This is the time we need to teach them to act responsibly and participate in household chores. As parents and teachers, we need to be clear about what thoughts we want to give to our children. It is important to stay calm and not panic. We don’t have to just tell them but demonstrate by practicing it. Showing them the positive side of the crisis is one of the ways to stay calm. Being at home, we can spend quality time with them, something that we all have been longing all this while but never had time for it. Keeping them busy and being busy by practicing family yoga, indoor games, watching TV together, dancing together will not only strengthen the bond of love but will help create wonderful memories of dealing with stress and challenging times. Please remember – This too shall pass! "
Dr. Indu Arneja
Indian Institute of Healthcare Communication (Director)
"Covid pandemic crisis is the party pooper of 2020, filling us with dread and imagining worse case scenario, a matter of life and death. The country is locked down in an emergency like condition for next 20 days ( and more). Isolation is the mantra, a method to break the contagious cycle in the community. In such challenged times we can realign the visual canvas from what is outwards to getting inwards and tapping our coping skills. Some handy hints for a smooth ‘self quarantine’ 1. Instead of sitting glued to television, ignite a healthy, light hearted debate with family members. 2. Watch your shows, seasons but in little dose. 3. Keep a balanced day with a good mix of work and leisure. 4. Keep calm with a tolerant predisposition. 5. To keep away from tempers and moods, indulge in household chores. 6. Try your hand at something new like meditation, creative writing, cooking, even ‘maun vrat’ . This too shall pass. Lets cooperate inside out to defeat Covid 19 "
Dr. Madhumati Singh
Ph.D, Child Psychologist