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About this webinar
How to Play Flute - For Beginners
Music is an important part of many different aspects of human life. It brings happiness and joy into people's lives. Music is the soul of life and brings us enormous peace.
"If music is the food of love, play on, give me excess of it; that overeating, the appetite may sicken, and thus die," William Shakespeare said.
Thus, music assists us in connecting with our souls or true selves, and when it comes to musical instruments, we can't help but mention the flute as the most vintage and soothing musical instrument.
The flute is by far one of the earliest musical instruments, and it is said to be the first wind instrument ever made. The Orient has a particularly lengthy legacy of flute playing.
The Sumerians and Egyptians were among the first to incorporate three or four finger holes into their bamboo flutes, allowing them to generate a variety of sounds.
So as a result we are pleased to inform about our Creative Thinking Webinar on topic HOW TO PLAY FLUTE- FOR BEGINNERS by our mentor Lakshay Jelloah
Lakshay Jelloha Instrumental Music
Lakshay has done his bachelor's in business administration but his curious nature increased his interest in music. He is a trained flutist and a vocalist. He has always been an enthusiast of music therefore he decided to learn flute. He got his inspiration from Mr. Rakesh Churasia whose one video made him so intrigued that he picked flute over other instruments. He is learning flute for the past 3 years and has now gained expertise in the area. Besides, playing the flute he can also play guitar. He has always believed that one must follow their passion and picking music over typical a business is his way of showing his passion towards music.
Dr. Bhavna Chadha Neuro Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Bhavna Chadha is a Doctorate {Ph.D.} in Clinical Psychology and Behavior Analytics from University of Delhi. Her Postgraduate Certificate in Curriculum Development in Higher Education and Blended Learning and Teaching Pedagogy helps her to understand the dynamism of the ever- changing Educational requirements at undergraduate and post graduate levels. She holds over 26 years of diverse work experience as a Consumer Behavior Analyst, Professor, Mentor, Administrator, Psychologist and a Consultant at National and International levels with corporates and academia. As a Retail Professor and Consultant, she not only helps clients to identify problems and find solutions related to manpower and training but also helps academia with placements and developing core Employability abilities among students. Her forte excels as a consultant and trainer working with large corporates for recruitment training, psychometric evaluation and leadership coaching. In her past corporate role as Vice President {Corporate Relations & Alliances} she spearheaded verticals like Employability (Placements), Incubation Center, Corporate Alliances, International Internships, Alumni Network and Industry Integrated Projects.
As a Founder & CEO of “adhyapann”: The Skills Hub, she facilitates a 360- degree approach to recruitment, corporate consultancy and training and a vertical on Psychological Services encompassing of Psychological testing, Counselling services, Research, Mentoring and Industry Internships.
Benefits Of Webinar
- To know more about music
- To find more about flute
- To learn how to play flute
Summary Of Webinar
Webinar Stats

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- Registrations: 2