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About this webinar
Art Therapy- Unleash The Artist Inside You
Art therapy can be defined in many ways, but the simplest way to define it is as an application of the visual arts in a therapeutic context. You don’t necessarily have to see a therapist in order to experience some of the therapeutic benefits of artistic expression. There are many simple activities you can try from the comfort of your home, such as art journaling, sketching, drawing, making collages, sculpting with clay, etc.
It doesn’t matter what medium you choose, what matters is what you do. And how you feel: the thing that matters is that you feel comfortable using it. However, knowing the right way to use art therapy can only be attained by going to a proper art therapist. They will look at you as an artist and will try to bring the artist inside of you.
Such activities can be done in a group or individually, but they have their own benefits. If the activities are done in a group, they are excellent for building healthy connections with other people, which may be very helpful if you are fighting depression. The most important thing is that you should only try art therapy if you want it. Expressing yourself through art can be self-revealing and sometimes equally painful as talking. So, if you still don’t feel ready to try it, that is okay.
Join this webinar to learn more about art therapy, and how it will help you bring out the deeply hidden artist in you.
Jainee Shah Artist
Jainee Shah is currently pursuing her degree in Architecture. She's a self-learned free-soul artist and knows various art forms. Art gives her wings to express herself with freedom and she believes in "Do What You Love". Through art, the exploration is endless and she thinks one must never stop learning from it.
Benefits Of Webinar
- Learn what art therapy is.
- Get to know more about art therapy in detail.
- Learn more about how this type of therapy works.
- Learn about the benefits and types of art therapy.
- Direct your questions to the mentor.
Summary Of Webinar
Webinar Stats

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- Registrations: 27