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About this webinar
Climate Resolution to Climate Revolution
Climate has become one of the biggest worries of 2021, as predicted to be among the seven hottest years on record despite La Niña. Excess carbon emission propels the impacts of climate change. We all take various resolutions every year to protect our environment, but we can't follow all of them. Environmental change is here. As its effect increases after some time, it is the youngsters and youngsters of today who will confront the most noticeably terrible impacts.
Yet, a long way from being uninvolved casualties, youngsters everywhere in the world have started to retaliate on a scale never seen. Take Greta Thunberg. In 2018, the 15-year-old from Sweden started a worldwide development of young understudies requesting more prominent activity from governments to battle environmental change. Presently millions are walking to exhibit their help.
Regardless of whether through schooling, innovation, science, or law ─ youngsters all over are taking advantage of their abilities to support environmental activity.
Through this webinar, let's meet Aditya who is a climate activist and let's listen to his experiences and perspectives on climate change and the need to take dire steps on the same.
Mr. Aditya S. Sahadevan Climate Activist
Mr. Aditya is a Climate Change Activist & Writer, he profusely writes to create environmental awareness and links environmental organizations around the world for conducting Climate Change conferences to make sure that Climate Education is delivered to everyone. He is involved in PR & marketing for conducting Climate Change education to make sure that it is delivered to everyone. He has headed the PR team of the International, National & Regional Conference on Climate Change. His objective is to create awareness on carbon footprint which we emit knowingly and unknowingly. Even this introduction of his, he believes has emitted about 0.07gms of carbon dioxide. Recently, his activism got featured on Fridays for Future Germany & Official Humans Of Kerala as well. He has taken up to become an environmental lawyer to fight injustice. He has also won a climate change content writing competition conducted by Climate Front India. Additionally, he is also associated with multiple environmental organizations like Bring Back Green, Climate Science, Ecology & Fridays for Future India as Writer, Public Relations professional, and a core member respectively.
Benefits Of Webinar
This webinar will be beneficial because:
- It will help you gain knowledge on the major issues surrounding environment and the climate.
- You will be able to listen to the mentors experience on climate activism.
- It will also be an insightful session as we will look for finding solutions.
Summary Of Webinar
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