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About this webinar
Eight Parts Of Speech
There are eight parts of speech in the English language. Just how different ingredients, vitamins, minerals, proteins make a diet balanced and complete, the correct usage of these eight parts of speech also make your communication and speech clear and concise. These parts are the noun, verb, adverb, pronoun, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The parts of speech indicate how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence. We all understand that these are the grammar rules that we have studied in the early ages of learning the English language.
But What we don't know is that these eight rules play a major role in the formation of speech in language English. Our mentor will discuss the importance of these different eight speeches but not in a grammar way, but in a way that will help you improve your spoken and written communication.
In this session, we will also try writing small paragraphs on different topics and few lines of poetry.
Beneficial For Classes: 6th-9th
Sunita Juneja English Tutor
She is a versatile person and has nine years of work experience. She follows the mantra of two P’s clear-headed, Profession & Passion. She is a certified TEFL, IELTS, and English Trainer. Good communication has become mandatory nowadays. Observing the needs of fellow masses and considering the need for good communication skills, she started lessons lane for IELTS, Spoken English & Personality Development. She uses 'BRAINSTORMING TECHNIQUE' for spoken English. Apart from that, she uses 'ANNOTATION TECHNIQUE' for the reading exam of IELTS. She helps to answer the questions within the given time frame and also helps to amplify speaking skills, build up a vocabulary bank, and feel confident in the workplace. She also provides English lessons on the YouTube channel and for the live classes, you can visit www.lessonslane.com.
Benefits Of Webinar
Benefits of the Webinar:
Learn the importance of the eight parts of speech in the English language and the usage.
Learn to use these parts of speech for better spoken and written communication.
Learn from the mentor how to improve your speech with few exercises.
Engage in creative essay and poetry writing with the mentor.
Summary Of Webinar
Webinar Stats

- Reach:
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- Registrations: 67