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About this webinar
Map Your Career Growth
Getting confused while starting your career is common. It is evident that many people who have been successful at one time are now becoming average or poor. People who have achieved something in their life are failing at some point due to wrong career growth mapping.
We need to measure our growth in a simple way. We need to see things simply, see our opportunities and plan our future ahead. But the main question is do we know how to ‘map your career growth’? Or do we in detail know what it means? To answer and settle all your questions and to help you plan your career better, register and join us for this session. All students, parents and teachers are welcome to join this enriching session.
Mr. Monis Shamsi Entrepreneurship, Strategic Intervention, Community Building
Mr. Monis Shamsi is a passionate educator, community aggregator & social entrepreneur. He is the Founder-President of a volunteer-driven NGO "You Can Foundation" and also a Chief Strategist for BNPS International. He is associated with Bharat National Public School as well. Mr Shamsi is a mentor at University of Westminster London, StartupIndia and Eureka E Cell IIT Bombay. He is also on the advisory board of multiple not-for-profit organizations. He has also been mentoring students, entrepreneurs & young leaders.
Benefits Of Webinar
1. Join this session to understand the loop holes in your career growth plan.
2. Though professional guidance in this session, you will learn how one can map their career in a better manner.
3. Get a chance to interact directly with the mentor and get answers to your questions.
4. Get a chance to prepare a roadmap for your career growth plan through professional guidance of the FairGaze mentor.
Summary Of Webinar
Webinar Stats

- Reach:
- Engagement:
- Website Sessions:
- Registrations: 26