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About this webinar
Redefining Role Of A Teacher
Teachers’ role in the 21st century has become more complex in the present changing world here knowledge is almost unlimited. Today teachers are required to be facilitators helping learners to make judgements about the quality and validity of new sources and knowledge, be open-minded and be active co-operators, collaborators, and mediators between learners and what they need to know, and providers to scaffold understanding. In this digital era, teachers’ role has shifted from mere preacher to the manager of students social and emotions behaviours; mentor for their learning and over-all development as a balanced citizen; motivator for slow learner and a fast learner in digital environment.
We would like to invite all the teachers out there for our special webinar on redefining the role of a teacher in the changing times and learn how teacher are becoming more of a mentor for their students.
Mr. Monis Shamsi Entrepreneurship, Strategic Intervention, Community Building
Mr. Monis Shamsi is a passionate educator, community aggregator & social entrepreneur. He is the Founder-President of a volunteer-driven NGO "You Can Foundation" and also a Chief Strategist for BNPS International. He is associated with Bharat National Public School as well. Mr Shamsi is a mentor at University of Westminster London, StartupIndia and Eureka E Cell IIT Bombay. He is also on the advisory board of multiple not-for-profit organizations. He has also been mentoring students, entrepreneurs & young leaders.
Benefits Of Webinar
- Teachers will get to know how definition of teacher has been redefined with changing times
- Learn do's and don'ts
- Get to understand that how teacher is becoming more of a mentor
- Ask questions to the menotor directly.
Summary Of Webinar
Webinar Stats

- Reach:
- Engagement:
- Website Sessions:
- Registrations: 39