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29 Aug 2022
04:00 PM

About this webinar

How to Take Balanced Diet?

To spread knowledge about a balanced diet and nutrient-rich foods, as well as to encourage healthy living with an emphasis on wellness and preventative health, A well-balanced diet that is rich in nutrients is crucial for promoting human health and happiness. Given that a bad diet may result in morbidity and/or serious illnesses, it enhances quality of life. Now, it is important to treat diet-related illnesses seriously because they affect people of all ages and socioeconomic classes.

A balanced diet can help you avoid non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke, as well as other illnesses. On the other hand, leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating poorly could be harmful to your health.

Utilizing genetics, phenotypic, medical, nutritional, and other relevant information about individuals, personalised nutrition's main goal is to maintain or improve health. This will make it easier to provide more accurate recommendations for healthy eating as well as other nutritional goods and services. It is applicable to both ill and healthy people, regardless of whether they are genetically predisposed to a particular condition. The importance of tailored nutrition, where to start, and why it is superior than a "one size fits all" approach to diet improvement will all be covered in this webinar.


Shivam Bali

Shivam Bali Fitness Coach, Martial Artist

Shivam Bali is a Fitness and Martial Arts Trainer since 2009. He has achieved a Black Belt in Martial Arts in 2014. He is a co-owner of Fitness Midas Gym. He has run a gym for the last 4 years. He is also working in Diet N Fit- The Fitness Studio as a Director of Operation.

He has several students who had gone with him to Competition and achieved his Black Belt. As well as he has some students who had gone to the National & International level in Martial Arts with him. Although, he focuses on Corrective Exercise and Individual Work. He helped each individual to set their goals and pushed them to achieve their goals. He is completely dedicated to total fitness and well-being.

Benefits Of Webinar

  • Learn about the Importance of the Balanced diet.
  • Importance of the proper diet in student's life.

Summary Of Webinar
