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About this webinar
“Impact of Lockdown On Mental Health”
As we all are going through extreme circumstances and it is getting difficult day by day to cope up with the situation for everyone. Everything is gets completely changed in the last year and we are living in such a scenario that no one ever imagined of. It is very important to get familiar with the impacts of such situations on us mentally because “just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn’t so.”
Our mentors are going to help you to know the means to deal with such mental pressure in this technological time where everything is proceeding in an online manner and completely dependent on the internet and technology. It is not only the situation that adults are facing children's are also facing a lot, the researchers also prove that this pandemic may continue to have long-term adverse consequences on children and adolescents as compared to adults from this webinar we came to know about the problems of our children and solution to those problems.
Varalika Mishra Educator, Author, Mental Health Advocate and Journalist
Varalika Mishra, is a certified mental health first aider on suicide prevention. She is the founder of Your Story is important - her initiative on mental health. She is a freelance journalist and an educator. She is also a published author - recently published her poetry book Shanti Panna with Notion Press in 2021. In the past, she has worked with The Hindu as a sub editor and a reporter with Hindustan Times. Currently she writes for Meghalaya Times newspaper, and various news portals like eNewsroom, Feminism in India, Asia Times, Clarion, Meghalaya Monitor.
On her mental health page, she conducts dialogues and conversations with people who have had experiences with mental health issues and who closely work for this cause. Some of the topics include: Body Shaming and its impact on mental health; Dark skin is beautiful; Men can have depression too; Mental health of Kashmiri women and children; Addiction and its impact on mental health; Dance and its relationship with mental well being; Grief of losing a dog; Dialogue on emotions and its impact on mental well being; Myths around mental health; Mental health of women; music and its impact on mental health; and several other important topics.
Her purpose is to be a catalyst and listen to every human being's story because when she was going through a tough time, she did not find anyone who could listen to her. So it became her mission to be that one person for every soul. She has also conducted a talk at Delhi University in October, last year, for Political Science students on the topic- Social Exclusion and its impact on Mental Health. It was for students who were pursuing their masters in Political Science. She has held dialogues with Mr. Vijay Lokapally - Former Deputy Editor of Hindu on his own journey of depression and with Ms. Lalitha Kumaramangalam on the topic - Women and their mental health with regard to sex workers and acid attack survivors.
She also had a dialogue with Ms. Tania Singh who works closely with acid attack survivors. Her main purpose is to normalize the notion around mental health and break the stigma. In 2019, she conducted several mental health workshops in Government and private schools. She also participated in the UNESCO campaign in 2020, November, and her quote was published on the relevance of mental health. She conducted a mental health workshop at the University of Delhi for Political Science students - Masters students on social exclusion and its impact on mental health during the pandemic. She feels grateful for her journey. Because of her own experience, she has developed the strength and empathy to fight for this cause.
Benefits Of Webinar
The webinar shall focus on the following points:
- Factor affecting mental health during the lockdown era.
- Methods to deal with issues that are faced during the use of technology.
- How to identify the status of mental health among the children.
- Eradicating anxiety and stress from the children
- Interact with the mentor and clear your doubts regarding your daily routine to get insight.
Summary Of Webinar
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- Registrations: 8