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29 Oct 2022
04:00 PM

About this webinar

Screen Time & Students

Children spending too much in watching TV or movies, playing with a smartphone or computer, or enjoying video games has become a very normal thing. Although some screen time can be educational, it's easy to go overboard, especially when COVID-19 has accelerated usage.

A research by experts recommends limiting older children's screen time to no more than one or two hours a day. Side effects of too much screen time include: sleeping problems, poor self-image and body image issues, reading fewer books, spending less time outside, lower grades in school, etc.

Join our webinar to learn how too much screen time can be harmful and how to reduce it.


Syed Ali Fathima

Syed Ali Fathima Parenting Coach and Tutor

Syed Ali Fathima is a Certified Parenting Coach. She helps parents with parenting challenges by offering alternative perspectives and also helps in providing strategies that support their child’s physical, emotional, and social development.

Benefits Of Webinar

  • Learn about harmful effects of screentime
  • Get to know how parents can guide, manage and monitor child’s screentime
  • Learn what a student can do to use screentime wisely and for learning purposes
  • Opportunity to directly ask questions to the mentor

Summary Of Webinar
