Effective study habits

Dr.Madhumati Singh,Senior Psychologist
22 Dec, 2015It is part of a child’s growth to get into cognitive development and schoolingforms an integral part of it. It begins as early as at the age of three.
Formalschooling begins at the age of six when school activities and related learningbecomes part of a child’s growth. Thus, it is imperative to have an organized,systematic and predictable approach to the child’s study habits. Here are some pointers:
1. Start early: Most parents wake up to their child’s study schedule when they see fallinggrades, mostly in middle school. It is important to have a stable fixed studytime at home for children right from Class 1.
2. Tailor-made study schedule: Every child is unique in his/her temperament, circadian cycle, attention span,aptitude and interest. Study time should keep all of these in consideration, sothat he/she studies when he/she is most receptive, alert, and focused. Somechildren like to get over with homework and revision soon after lunch, someprefer a time-out for rest or recreation. Once the child is refreshed, it isimportant to designate a fixed time for his/her homework and otherassignments, which must be kept constant at all costs.
3. Inculcate independence with study habits: In the initial few months of Class 1, the child can be supervised with studies but parents/ guardian must wean off this dependency, which again differs fromchild to child. Some children take little longer to wean off but mostunderstand instructions if clearly explained: “It would be nice if you completeyour work on your own since your teacher has already taught you in school. Ifyou have any doubts, you should ask your teacher the next day. I’m sure if youwork sincerely with full attention you will be able to do it.” Gradually,children should be able to manage their studies completely on their own, withtheir own motivation and target of how much they want to achieve.
By the time the child is in Class 3 or 4 he/ she should be more or less independentwith his/her study aspirations and efforts needed to meet his/her goals.
4. Designated place and time for studies: The study corner should be comfortable with adequate lighting and a study tablein a quiet set-up, with books and other school material in one place. Time duration can vary during exams or holidays.
5. Parents-child weekly update: A designated time span during the weekend should be for regular progressupdates between the children and parents.
To conclude, effective study habits are incorporated in children by parents who,being the primary role model for their children, can do it in their formativeyears. Hard work, along with perseverance, holds the key to progress.