Education News

15,000 Living-Viruses in Oceans

15,000 Living-Viruses in Oceans

A new research from Ohio State University has discovered many type of viruses inside the ocean. The scientists have analyzed the data which showed that more than 15,000 new kinds of viruses reside und

Micro Solar Domes to Light up Lives

Micro Solar Domes to Light up Lives

  Dr S. P. Gon Chaudhary, an Electrical Engineer from Jadavpur University has created a device that is lightning up millions of lives living in slum areas. Dr Chaudhary, an expert in the area of

Brain Uses Mathematics to Make Sense of the World

Brain Uses Mathematics to Make Sense of the World

The researchers from Princeton University US have claimed that the human brain is better in mathematics. The study showed that a human brain perform simple mathematics to solve the problems.  

Emotions and Feelings Can be Identified

Emotions and Feelings Can be Identified

A team of scientists have developed a wireless device that can detect your feeling. The scientists have revealed the potential of this device as it has marked 87 percent accurate results at the time o

Super Small Sensors for Human Body

Super Small Sensors for Human Body

The scientists have developed tiny device (fitbits) that can be implanted inside human body and brain. According to the claim by the researchers these sensors are as small as dust & can be worn as

New Discovery on Corns Brings Good News for Farmers

 New Discovery on Corns Brings Good News for Farmers

Scientists from Iowa State University are on a research-trip and are on the verge to get better farming solutions for the cultivation of corn. According to an assistant professor of the university res

Extraordinary Pattern Found in Solids to Act like a Liquid

Extraordinary Pattern Found in Solids to Act like a Liquid

The scientists from of Central Florida in the US have developed a strange material that can work as a liquid without turning it into a liquid. During the research the scientists took a small size non

Octobot: Flexible, Wireless Robot

Octobot: Flexible, Wireless Robot

A team of three hundred scientists from Harvard University have created a robot that is neither mechanical nor electrical. These tiny Octobot can easily fit on the human palm as these have been create

Are You a Mathematics Champ?

Are You a Mathematics Champ?

A new study by researchers from University of Texas, US has announced that students who can solve advanced level mathematics have higher chances to migrate.  According to a data developed by the

Want To Live Long? Read A Book

Want To Live Long? Read A Book

Are you a bookworm who just sit in the corner and enjoy reading? So here we have good news for you. According to a new study reading can offer you a long life.   More than this the researchers

Migrating Birds Travel Faster In Spring

Migrating Birds Travel Faster In Spring

A study on migrating birds has revealed that birds prefer to fly faster in spring than in fall. As the breeding time comes near, birds start flying faster as they have wide distance to travel. Moreove

Submarine for ‘Titan’

Submarine for ‘Titan’

Scientist from NASA is planning to send a submarine to Saturn’s Moon. The experiment was done to explore the depth and life on the planet. Saturn’s moon is widely known as Titan because of
