Education News

Running Can Boost Exam Scores

Running Can Boost Exam Scores

According to a research a moderate running after learning increase the capacity of learning and remembering things. The researchers have also suggested a moderate running for students to remember thin

The Sensory Powers of Spiders

The Sensory Powers of Spiders

A current research has revealed that spider can organise the worry and rigidity of their webs. According to the study, spider manages the process by using their sensory powers. Oxford University&rsquo

Researchers Found a Secret Nazi Base of Hitler

Researchers Found a Secret Nazi Base of Hitler

The researchers have revealed a secret Nazi base. According to the scientists, this Nazi base was built on straight commands from the German dictator Adolf Hitler, situated 1,000 kilometers from the N

Illness Tracker Fabric by India-Origin Scientist

Illness Tracker Fabric by India-Origin Scientist

An Indian-origin scientist at the University of Rhode Island is planning to convert wearable cloth that can sense illness as well as can keep a health tracker. The research has been led by Kunal Mank

Pune Telescope Received Last Signal of European Lander

Pune Telescope Received Last Signal of European Lander

A huge telescope near Pune tracked the last signal sent from an aspiring European Space Agency mission. The Giant Meter Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) is situated at Khodad, about 80 km north of Pune.&nb

Scientists Found New Bacteria Community

Scientists Found New Bacteria Community

The researchers have currently discovered new microbial below the earth. The study was led by the researchers from the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and U

Ancient DNA Reveled Unidentified Bison-Cattle Species

Ancient DNA Reveled Unidentified Bison-Cattle Species

The scientists have discovered a new species with the help of an ancient DNA. The new species have been named as ‘Higgs Bison’ by the researchers, which is likely to be a hybrid of Bi

Talk Reorganization App by Scientists

Talk Reorganization App by Scientists

Developers from Microsoft have developed a technology that can identify the talk in a conversation. The scientists have claimed that their development has the capacity to identify the words of any dia

Illegal Poaching Is Affecting Helmet Hornbill

Illegal Poaching Is Affecting Helmet Hornbill

An increasing demand of hornbill “ivory” has pushed the species of Helmet Hornbill into danger. An official from wildlife trade watchdog TRAFFIC has stated that the poachers are in search

Identification Manual for Tourists by Bandhavgarh Reserve

Identification Manual for Tourists by Bandhavgarh Reserve

Currently Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is working on a system that enables the visitors to identify the big cats by their characteristics. This is the first time that a National Reserve

Asgardia, the First Outer Space Nation

Asgardia, the First Outer Space Nation

Experts have revealed a New Nation state in the space. A report has showed that Asgardia can open up the access to space technologies. A team of scientists and legal experts have claimed Asgardia as t

Disappeared Pile of India and Eurasia

Disappeared Pile of India and Eurasia

A study has discovered that half the real mass of India and Eurasia gone into the Earth's interior many years ago. The study was led by researchers at University of Chicago in the US. The researchers
