Importance Of Examination

Education News | Jul-23-2021

Importance Of Examination

Exam, a word that terrors people, or scare students, or shook them. Every student has a different reaction towards the ‘exams’. Some are neutral; some express scared, some get anxiety and some take them seriously. But one thing is for sure for the majority of students, their groans and sour mouth after listening that exams are nearing. And there is one question that lies in the mind and heart of every person is that, ‘are exams impotent?’ So today, let’s take some time and discuss; why we need of exams? are they really necessary? or are they there just to scare students?

Well, to say the least, the Importance of exam and a necessary thing to have in schools to improve the different skills of a student. Exams are not there to depress students or create fear. They play a major role in the growth of a student, hence they are essential.

Instead, exams are made, so that students can feel a sense of responsibility and to see that if they learned anything in school or not. Tests are considered a general evaluation system for all students. And the belief that exams are unnecessary is irrelevant. In general terms, students are entitled to give oral and written exams in their schools or colleges. If you look at exams in a detailed and positive way, you’ll see and understand then you can understand the benefits of exams. The first and foremost thing that comes inside you is ‘confidence.’ A student feels more confident in his/her knowledge as they give exams. They feel cautious about their exam performance and try to give their best. When the results came, they become confident.

Secondly, exams increase the enthusiasm for competition among students. Among students, whether friends or classmates, the competition to get more exams is never-ending or fading. So, to get better marks than others students give their best and try their 100% during exams. Thirdly, their self-analysis skills improve. Students try to come up with better and refined ways to improve their skills; learning, and revising procedures. This measuring themselves first, then implementing different skills is the best way to learn self-analysis at a young age. If a student gets good marks in his/her exam, then these marks are their achievements which can help a lot in their life; whether as a student or as a working professional.

By: Shreya Jain 

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