Education News

History of the Green Movement

History of the Green Movement

In the present society, we have become extremely inefficient. Numerous Americans have never resided or been presented to a climate where assets were not copious, so there is an absence of appreciation

Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary And National Park

Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary And National Park

The diverse variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms living in a particular region is known as biodiversity. Biodiversity or the richness of species in one region differs from another region. Th

Does The Use Of Technology Benefits The Educational Process?

Does The Use Of Technology Benefits The Educational Process?

Technology refers to the methods which use scientific knowledge for practical purposes. The use of technology-based systems has done several improvements in our lives and made it way easier and more e

What is Socionics?

What is Socionics?

Socionics is a hypothesis of how people select and deal with data. It tends to be classified as a sort of nomothetic brain research. Even though data digestion is at the hypothesis' most rudimentary l

The Impact of Trade Policies on the Economics of Any Country

The Impact of Trade Policies on the Economics of Any Country

Trade policy should be made or considered for future growth and job-oriented by the Government and Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Trade regulates in ending up of global poverty. Many countries have remo

What Children Learn During Pandemics?

What Children Learn During Pandemics?

This pandemic has been tough on everyone. It brought a sudden and massive change in our lifestyle. As an adult, many of us failed to keep up with the new lifestyle, and they got frustrated. Children w

The Effects Of Screen Time On Students

The Effects Of Screen Time On Students

In this time when everything from education to shopping is shifted on the online mode the screen time, and specifically, time spent in Infront of laptop and smartphone, has become one of the most comm

What Is Toxic Positivity?

What Is Toxic Positivity?

Toxic Positivity can be characterized as the unnecessary and insufficient overgeneralization of a cheerful, idealistic state across all circumstances. The cycle of poisonous energy brings about the di

How is Ozone Depletion related to Climate Change?

How is Ozone Depletion related to Climate Change?

Climate change refers to the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. The main causes of climate change can be natural or the result of human activities. Ozone depletion is among the maj

Effects Of Being Bullied In School

Effects Of Being Bullied In School

Bullying is intentional behavior, which is repeated, that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, in the community, or online. Those bu

How Deforestation Affects the Climate

How Deforestation Affects the Climate

Deforestation is one of the most common and major threats to the environment. It is cutting down trees over a large area to clear lands for construction, agricultural purposes, to provide grazing land

Relation Between Corona Virus & Global Warming

Relation Between Corona Virus & Global Warming

People are at the time of their life, where they have already spent a whole year battling with the deadly Coronavirus. The global coronavirus epidemic continues to emerge at an alarming rate, killing
