Education News

Origin Of Hindi Language

Origin Of Hindi Language

From the above couplets it can be inferred that the father of modern Hindi, harishchandra was very much attached to his language Hindi. If we talk about the development of the Hindi language, then it

Impact Of Increasing Oil Prices On Indian Economy

Impact Of Increasing Oil Prices On Indian Economy

High Import Dependence: India is an emerging nation. Thus, their energy utilization is extremely high. Likewise, India doesn't have its wellsprings of oil. Therefore, it imports over 80% of its oil ne

Free Education For All Students

Free Education For All Students

Education becomes crucial for anyone to survive their academic, social, and political career. Education worldwide requires a lot of money, but it should not be monopolized so that the entire globe can

Growing Pollution In Rivers

Growing Pollution In Rivers

The release of hurtful substances like synthetic compounds, plastics, toxins, and so on to the water bodies particularly in streams is named River Pollution. In any case, the poisonous substances and

History Of Indus Valley Civilization

History Of Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley civilization also called the Harappan Civilization, after the town named Harappa, presently situated in Pakistan. It is otherwise called the Indus Civilization since two of its most p

Effect Of Pollution On Health

Effect Of Pollution On Health

The Earth's populace is developing, which prompts the interest for more food, energy, and water. Contamination is likewise an issue brought about by human populaces bringing about 54% of all passings

New Education Policy 2020: A Progressive Policy With Diverse Challenges

New Education Policy 2020: A Progressive Policy With Diverse Challenges

The much-anticipated National Education Policy is moderate and heading towards the country's plan of instructive incorporation for all that will give adaptability to understudies and upgrade advanced

Does Class Size Matter?

Does Class Size Matter?

Small classes are not necessarily better. In fact, what goes on in the classroom matters more than the size of the class. Early research found that class size had no impact on student grades and only

Education And Modern Technology

Education And Modern Technology

Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, arts, and sciences. Technology has certainly changed the way we live.

Contribution Of Technology In Future Education

Contribution Of Technology In Future Education

The method involved with acquiring information is named teaching ourselves. It is a perpetual cycle however it is generally utilized for understudies. Fundamentally, there is no period of adapting exc

How Important Is Arts Education?

How Important Is Arts Education?

It improves emotional balance and helps kids become team players. Art education helps improve decision-making, boosts self-confidence, and makes children more self-assured, as they learn about what ap

Importance Of Reading

Importance Of Reading

The importance of reading in human life is highly important. We all need to read a lot. Except for reading, we won’t be able to develop our creativity or depression. If you feel depressed, lonel
