Education News
Importance Of Mental Health Of A Child
About one out of every ten children and teenagers suffers from mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder are among them, and they are generally a direct response to what is going
How To Prevent Wastage Of Water?
Water is amongst the top few things without which mankind or be it any living organism can’t survive. Around 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with water out of which most is co
Career Options After 12th
What Would Be the Best Careers Option After 12th Class? Ask any Class 12 students about their future goals & get ready to hear a chaotic response. It's not because they lack the desire or have no
Career Options After 10th
What to do after High School and how I can choose the best Career options after 10th? Life doesn’t come to an end after class 10th board exams but it introduces opportunities when there is no o
Learn About INTJ Personality
We meet thousands of people every day. Be it physically or digitally. But, we don't vibe with everyone we meet sometimes, due to the difference in personality. We end up putting personality based on o
How To Deal With ADHD Students?
Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral condition that makes it difficult to focus on everyday activities and routine. People with ADHD find difficulty in staying focused, o
Ways To Heal Our Minds
The approach of healing one's thoughts has been in the air for decades. The trend was inaugurated by the self-help movement followers. Now, scientific research implies that our minds can play a signif
New Education Policy In India 2020
By 2030, one large multidisciplinary college in every district and all educational institutions will become multidisciplinary institutes. The aim is to extend the Gross Enrolment Ratio in education, i
Pollution And It's Effects
Pollution as we all know has been a great problem for our earth for a very long time. But this pollution is created by us humans only. We are sure that pollution is harmful to our health and our mothe
Contribution Of Savitribai Phule
The government is running many schemes regarding the education and health of women in India, due to which women have become aware. But the campaign to educate women and make them stand on their own fe
Health Is Wealth
The COVID 19 pandemic taught us the importance of one’s immunity and health. This situation made us believe that money is not everything and that it cannot, at any cost, buy everything. This eve
Father Of Indian Nationalism: Sir Surendranath Banerjee
Who is The Father of Indian Nationalism Sir Surendranath Banerjea, (conceived Nov. 10, 1848, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India—passed on Aug. 6, 1925, Barrackpore, close to Calcutta), one of the or
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