Some Curious Facts About: THE PACIFIC OCEAN”

Editorials News | Oct-15-2019

Some Curious Facts About: THE PACIFIC OCEAN”

The Pacific Ocean is occupying between Americas to the East of the Pacific Ocean valley and the Asian and Australian homeland to the West. The circlet demarcates the Pacific Ocean into the North Pacific Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean.

The word “Pacific” means peace-loving. The Pacific Ocean got its name from the pathfinder Ferdinand Magellan. He called the ocean “mar pacific”, which meant amicable sea.

The Pacific Ocean is the greatest ocean on the planet. It covers more than 30% of the earth’s surface. It is so large it is bigger than the land rose of the entire world’s terrain connected.

The Pacific Ocean is also the inmost ocean. It has intensely deep foxholes in addition to the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. This trench was researched by the HMS Challenger in 1875.

In the Pacific Ocean basin the ring of fire is stated. This named came from of the number of volcanoes form a ring around the basin. This area is home to many earthquakes due to volcanic activity and the movement of tectonic plates, more than 75,000 volcanoes Pacific Ocean contains in its depth.

Temperatures fluctuate across the Pacific Ocean. The closer to the hoop, the warmer will be the waters temperatures. Water is near the poles jurisdiction to the freezing point.

There are more than 25,000 islands in the Pacific. It becomes home for the most of the world’s island like Hawaii.

The Pacific Ocean is also home to many reefs. An Atoll is a coral island surrounded by a lagoon. Atolls are only found in warm ocean waters.

The Pacific Ocean is also contains the Great Barrier Reef. This reef is the largest in the world and radius into the more than 1,429 miles. This important area is now covered as a World Heritage Site.

The Pacific Ocean literally gets small by one inch in every year. This happens because of the movement of tectonic plates. On the other hand, The Atlantic Ocean is enhancing by the same amount each year.

By – Tripti Varun

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