Interview with Mr. A.J.Philip

25 Jan, 2017Mr. A.J. Philip is the Senior Journalist and a Chief-Executive-Officer at Deepalaya a NGO working for children. He has an experience of more than 40 years in print media. Read the interview below to know more about Mr. Philip.
Why did you choose Journalism as your career?
I chose journalism as a career because I found that it fitted my aspirations. I thought I had a flair for writing. I am inquisitive by nature. I want to know more, meet people and travel. In other words, I wanted to respond to new situations. I thought journalism provided opportunities for all this.
What motivates you to write news for your readers?
The desire to communicate. Whatever information or knowledge I have should go to the maximum number of people. So I write so that whatever information or knowledge I have benefits them.
Today, after becoming a journalist, what changes you advocate in the society?
I want the people to be more aware of their rights and responsibilities. They should not be fooled by charlatans. They should be able to decide matters independently and take a holistic view on most matters. I want every Indian to be educated and aware of his duties and responsibilities as a proud citizen of the country.
What qualification one should have for becoming a journalist?
Interest in public issues is the primary qualification. He or she should have the ability to raise questions and find answers for them. A degree with a diploma in journalism will suffice.
Being a journalist, do you think this job comes with its own pros and cons?
Yes, the job is very challenging. One has to work hard. There is no time for rest. A reporter is as good as the last report he filed and an editor as good as the last copy he edited.
Do you agree that reading is essential to write something? How?
Reading is very essential. The more you read, the better you would be as a writer. One should read classics besides contemporaries, journals and newspapers. The wider a person reads, the wider will be his/her horizon.
Do you think that Indian education system provides opportunities to those students who want to pursue journalism as their career?
Many people do not know much about journalism as a career. For instance, everybody wants to become a doctor or engineer or civil servant. Few know about television journalism, print media, social media etc. There should be greater awareness among teachers about this profession. They should encourage the talented to choose this as a profession.
How students can brush up their journalistic skills from early age?
Encourage them to watch news on TV and read newspapers. They should be encouraged to respond to public issues by writing letters to the editor in newspapers. If they write five letters, at least one will appear and it will give a boost to their creativity.
Do you suggest Journalism as a good career option to students?
Yes, provided they are ready to master it. A good journalist should be a good writer, editor, photographer, photo editor and good with technology.
What are your future plans?
I run Deepalaya, an NGO, and I also do some writing work. I want the NGO to be able to serve a larger number of people. I want to publish a book containing my selected writing.