Editorials News

Hair Can Reveal Your Identity

Hair Can Reveal Your Identity

Scientists have discovered a unique protein in human hair. According to the claim humans can be identified from a single strand of their hair. This amazing discovery can be helpful to identify the cri

Discovery of Ancient Paintings in China

Discovery of Ancient Paintings in China

More than 1,000 rock paintings have been found by the researchers in the Inner Mongolia independent region of China. According to the discovery the paintings are believed to be made by the ancient tri

Gorillas Are on a Brink of Disappearance

Gorillas Are on a Brink of Disappearance

Officials from Congo have announced that largest Eastern Gorillas are in danger. According to the announcement by the officials, gorillas are at the verge of death.   Illegal hunting and killin

Solar Wind’s Origin near Sun

Solar Wind’s Origin near Sun

Scientists from NASA have added some more facts to the discovery of 1950 for the solar-winds.  For the first time the scientists have imaged the border of the Sun that reveals the mystery of sola

Scramjet Engine: An Advance Breathing Engine

Scramjet Engine: An Advance Breathing Engine

Scramjet Engine, a new breathable engine is known as an advance design of ISRO. According to the ISRO team Scramjet Engine uses Hydrogen as in the form of fuel.   Scramjet is the short form of

Changes in Climate and its Effects on Sea Level

Changes in Climate and its Effects on Sea Level

It has been seen that there is a strong connection between climate and increasing level of sea. Often scientists associate sea level changes with climate changes.   This association involves se

DNA is Repairable a New Knowledge

DNA is Repairable a New Knowledge

  A team of Chemists from faculty of Science at a University in Sweden has studied an enzyme. The study shows that there is existence of three dimensions in an enzyme called ribonucleotide reduc

Earliest Primate Ancestors Belonged to India

Earliest Primate Ancestors Belonged to India

A team of international annalists has found 25 tiny bones in Gujarat, India. These tiny well preserved bones have been found in a coal mine in Gujarat.   The study has revealed that the newly

Planet Nine can be Fatal for the Solar System

Planet Nine can be Fatal for the Solar System

A new study shows existence of planet nine can be fatal for the solar system. According to Dr. Dimitri Veras from Department of Physics has discovered the existence of planet nine. Planet nine known a

High Quality Graphene Produced Using Microwaves

High Quality Graphene Produced Using Microwaves

Engineers from Rutgers University have discovered a new easy way to produce best- quality graphene. Graphene has its origin from granite which is a carbon based material. This material is used by stud

Dry Air Can Strain Plants During Drought

Dry Air Can Strain Plants During Drought

Scientists of Indiana University have found the good effect of low relative humidity on the environment. The study suggested that several improvements in drought-models are required to save the climat

Changes in Brain Due to Allergies

Changes in Brain Due to Allergies

A study has found that the seasonal allergies cause changes in the functioning of brain. A researcher has also analyzed that hippocampus a part of the brain is liable for forming new memories and the
