30 Amazing Books For Teachers To Read
Editorials News | Aug-06-2018
There is always time for professional learning to grow. Here are some books that can help you climb the ladder:
- Ditch That Homework by Matt Miller and Alice Keeler
- Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell
- Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess
- The Google Infused Classroom by Holly Clark and tanya Avrith
- Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
- Social LEADia by Jennifer Cass-Todd
- The New Art and Science of Teaching by Robert J.Marzano
- The Innovator's Mindset by George Couros
- Classroom Management That Works by Robert J.Marzano
- Education Write Now by Jeffrey Zoul and Joe Mazza
- Shift This by Joy Kirr
- Teaching Math With Google Apps by Diana Herrington and Alice Keeler
- Ditch That Textbook by Matt Miller
- Gamify Literacy by Michele haiken
- Code Breaker by Brian Aspinall
- The First Days of School by Harry Wong
- How To Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms by Carol Ann Tomlinson
- Lead Like a Pirate by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf
- The New Pillars of Modern Teaching by Gayle Allen
- Gamify Literacy by Michele Haiken
- Cultivating Communication in the Classroom by Lisa Johnson
- Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler
- Code Breaker by Brian Aspinall
- Why School? By Will Richardson
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- Show Your Work by Austin Kleon
- Intention: Critical Creativity in the Classroom by Amy Burvall and Dan Ryder
- Teaching with the Brain in Mind by Eric Jensen
- Grit by Angela Duckworth
- Dive into Enquiry by Trevor Mackenzie
By: Neha Maheshwari
Content: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/50-awesome-books-for-teachers/
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