Kind People Are Happier Than Others

Editorials News | Oct-18-2016

Kind People Are Happier Than Others

According to a recent study kindness can improve happiness. The research has claimed that being kind to others can slightly improve subjective well-being in humans. The study was led by the universities of Oxford and Bournemouth has done systematic review of the scientific literature.


According to a classical theory of pop psychology and self-help manuals 'helping makes you happy'. In search of proofs the scientists analyzed over 400 published papers that had evaluated the connection between kindness and happiness.


According to the data 21 studies out of 400 had clearly put the claim to the test and showed that being kind to others makes us happier. The scientists have also organized a meta- analysis that statistically connects the out come of the earlier studies.


On the basis of both the studies the scientists have observed that size of the result is comparatively modest. 

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