Learning to Lead

Editorials News | Nov-10-2018

Learning to Lead

Leaders are firstly the team members. Leadership is a process of social influence which maximizes the efforts of others toward the achievement of a greater good. A team leader is responsible for guiding a group of people to reach its end goal. A leader has the ability to move others forward in a positive direction. Often people get confuse between being a leader and being a boss. A boss manages their employees, while a leader inspires them to innovate, think creatively, and strive for perfection.

A good leader must have the following characteristics:

- Build on the strengths and passions of people instead of focusing on their weaknesses

Leaders must focus on people’s strengths and plan to utilise the same in career and development plans. A leader must identify the attributes of its employees in order to achieve higher goals. It is rightly said that focusing on things you are weak at decreases your self-confidence, enthusiasm and overall performance.

- Give ownership and make your team feel like owners

As a leader, it’s definitely worth your time to make sure each person on your team understands the value of the process on a regular basis. It’s essential for employees to understand how their goals connect to the larger objectives of the organization.

- Know when to follow

Sometimes you may know more than the person taking over the process. It may be hard to step back, but sometimes it is necessary. The best leaders must know when to hand over the process and support the team in order to let others grow. A leader understands well that everything cannot be done by one.

- Get your team’s input on the things that impact their work

Giving your team a voice also helps build a sense of ownership. Having the ability to influence strategy, project or job design helps employees feel more connected to their work and the results that they’re accountable for.

- Great communication skills

Leaders must motivate, instruct and discipline the people they are in charge of. They can accomplish none of these things if they aren’t very skilled communicators. Communication is the key to success, said everyone. Communication should be consistent when it comes to establishing work expectations or giving constructive feedback

Organizations, schools, and classrooms tend to move forward quickly when we develop a multitude of leaders in different areas than focusing on the abilities of a sole individual. Building on the strengths and passions, giving ownership over the process, getting team’s input, being good communicator and knowing when to step-up or when to step back, is crucial to developing more leaders in your environment, not just the followers.

By: Anuja Arora

Content: https://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/8624

Leaders are firstly the team members. Leadership is a process of social influence which maximizes the efforts of others toward the achievement of a greater good. A team leader is responsible for guiding a group of people to reach its end goal. A leader has the ability to move others forward in a positive direction. Often people get confuse between being a leader and being a boss. A boss manages their employees, while a leader inspires them to innovate, think creatively, and strive for perfection.

A good leader must have the following characteristics:

1.     Build on the strengths and passions of people instead of focusing on their weaknesses

Leaders must focus on people’s strengths and plan to utilise the same in career and development plans. A leader must identify the attributes of its employees in order to achieve higher goals. It is rightly said that focusing on things you are weak at decreases your self-confidence, enthusiasm and overall performance.

2.     Give ownership and make your team feel like owners

As a leader, it’s definitely worth your time to make sure each person on your team understands the value of the process on a regular basis. It’s essential for employees to understand how their goals connect to the larger objectives of the organization.

3.     Know when to follow

Sometimes you may know more than the person taking over the process. It may be hard to step back, but sometimes it is necessary. The best leaders must know when to hand over the process and support the team in order to let others grow. A leader understands well that everything cannot be done by one.

4.     Get your team’s input on the things that impact their work

Giving your team a voice also helps build a sense of ownership. Having the ability to influence strategy, project or job design helps employees feel more connected to their work and the results that they’re accountable for.

5.     Great communication skills

Leaders must motivate, instruct and discipline the people they are in charge of. They can accomplish none of these things if they aren’t very skilled communicators. Communication is the key to success, said everyone. Communication should be consistent when it comes to establishing work expectations or giving constructive feedback

Organizations, schools, and classrooms tend to move forward quickly when we develop a multitude of leaders in different areas than focusing on the abilities of a sole individual. Building on the strengths and passions, giving ownership over the process, getting team’s input, being good communicator and knowing when to step-up or when to step back, is crucial to developing more leaders in your environment, not just the followers.

By: Anuja Arora

Content: https://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/8624

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