Support Culture of Wellness for Students

Editorials News | Dec-14-2018

Support Culture of Wellness for Students

Wellness not only means being free from illness but it is the process of change and growth that lasts for a lifetime. It is the overall balance of your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It speaks to the way you live your everyday life. Well-being of a person leads to greater productivity, lower workers compensation costs, reduce your risk of chronic diseases promote your overall health. General wellness is an important concept for leading a healthy life wrapped up in a generic term. Now a days children spend a significant amount of each week day in a classroom, making it not only a place to learn academics but also an opportunity to teach life skills that will serve them beyond the schoolyard, like self-care, community involvement, and fostering a sense of connection and belonging.

To develop well-being of student it is important to give students the opportunity to speak up and feel heard by encouraging them to give feedback and provide alternate ideas. Also, it is critical for students to have brainstorming, execution, and selflessness of fundraising for a cause in community activism and the success of accomplishment is its own reward. To bring a change in students, adults like teachers and staff must show examples of integrity, accountability, and positive communication. When children see adults set example and model healthy behaviors, relationships, and positive interactions, they develop healthy relations too. In society there are many types of communities and all are different in nature. These differences must be understood and honored in order to feel a sense of peace and belonging both in the world and at school. We all know that teachers play an important role in all students’ lives and teaching is not only about state standards and assessments. Craft lessons that foster curiosity and a true desire to seek knowledge to create a mental environment for a lifelong love of learning. There should be inspiring engagement activities arranged using fun and meaningful learning ways. It is even easier if an authentic welcoming environment is created because everyone just wants to feel like they belong. It is critical to make sure that the students know they are seen, heard, and valued as individuals. Students must be introduced well about the various services made available and must be offered like emails etc. If we focus on building local community it may contribute to something greater that can lead to feeling purposeful and a change of perspective about the circumstances of others. We all must help create an environment of engagement and curiosity about others to encourage the development of deeper social relationships. Wellness is really the lifelong practice of positivity that is, adopting a positive attitude, enacting positive policies and practices, surrounding yourself with positive people and places.

By: Anuja Arora



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