The Classic Game of Kho Kho

Editorials News | Nov-29-2019

The Classic Game of Kho Kho

The International Games series explained how to play the classic British kids’ game Leapfrog, and now we’ll be reinventing the classic Kho Kho game. Playing Kho Kho is a way for your children to stay active and build the confidence. Kho Kho helps to build physical strength and stamina.

Why to play Kho Kho?
This game is not only very physical, with lots of running and diving it’s also brilliant for uplifting teamwork. Kids have to watch carefully, work together, and learn how to recognise when a teammate should take over the pursuit. They also have to decided quickly which is the right player to take over the another , so there’s an element of strategy involved. Mastering how to play Kho Kho is a real workout for body and mind.
Kho Kho game rules:
1. Mark out the play area with chalk or string. Then draw a line down the middle, cutting the field in half length-ways. Put a pole or sweater at each end of the central dividing line.
2. Split the Kho Kho players into two equal teams, and then allocate one team as the chasers and one team as the defenders (let them know they’ll get to swap roles after seven minutes).
3. Chasers need to line up on the line down the middle, facing in alternate directions. They can only ‘chase’ on the either side of the pitch they are facing and can only chase one at a time .
4. The defenders enter the field in groups of three and need to avoid being tagged by a chaser - they can run anywhere on the field, but they’re out if they get tagged.

By: Saksham Gupta

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