Art Is As Import As Other Academics

Education News | Aug-30-2020

Art Is As Import As Other Academics

The art subject is as important as academics, and they should be treated that way in the school curriculum. The study of the arts in its many forms whether as a stand-alone subject or integrated into the school curriculum is an essential subject. It should be accepted as an essential part of achieving success in school, work, and life. We even celebrate the arts for the value they add to learning and to life, the study of the arts is quietly disappearing from our schools or is taken for granted. In schools across the country, opportunities for students to participate in arts instruction and activities are diminishing. Poor, inner-city, and rural schools’ studies show that children from low-income families are less likely to be consistently involved in arts activities or instruction than children from high-income families.
Art is a fun activity, No Doubt. But art also helps in many fundamental levels. Some of the ways that the arts help kids learn and develop important characteristics:

  • Creativity: Working in the arts helps learners to develop creative problem-solving skills.
  • Improved Academic Performance: Teaching through the arts can present difficult concepts visually, making them easier to understand.
  • Motor Skills: Integrating art with other disciplines reaches students who might not otherwise be engaged in classwork.
  • Confidence: Something special about arts is it certainly builds a certain amount of confidence. Getting up on the stage give them a chance to grow and build their self-confidence. 
  • Visual Learning: Through visual arts, you learn about color, layout, perspective, and balance. All techniques that are necessary in presentations of academic work (visual, digital). 
  • Decision Making: Arts also helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness.
  • Collaboration: Kids must share responsibility and compromise to achieve a certain goal. 

Students who study the arts show improvement in the other areas as well, including in the sciences, math and reading. Practicing the arts develop imagination, innovative thinking, and creativity, thus adding points to non-arts academic outcomes as well. If the arts make children happy and make them feel good about themselves, give them a sense of achievement and help them to appreciate beauty, then that is justification in itself.

By: Janvi Aggarwal

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