Condition Of Education In Indian Villages

Education News | Feb-10-2023

Condition Of Education In Indian Villages

The majority of Indians still live in villages, and the issue of rural education is of the utmost significance. Even though the number of students attending schools in rural areas is on the rise, a survey called the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) reveals that more than half of fifth-grade students cannot read a second-grade textbook or solve simple mathematical problems. Math and reading proficiency levels are also declining. Despite efforts, they are not going in the right direction. In surveys, the growing number of single classrooms used to educate students from multiple grades is cited as the cause of this issue. Teachers' and students' attendance is also declining in some states.

In India, village schools are experiencing more dire conditions in terms of education and other facilities than urban schools. The disheartening fact about India is that a significant portion of its population lives in rural areas. Education for all continues to be a vain hope for children in India's villages and rural areas even after India's independence. Since 65 percent of India's population lives in villages, a lack of high-quality education would impede the country's growth and development.

Another disadvantage is poverty. Private schools are more expensive and of lower quality than government schools. Because of this, very few students complete their secondary education and enroll in colleges to continue their education. Therefore, secondary school dropout rates are extremely high in villages. Secondary education is only attended by children of wealthy parents. If parents are unable to send their children to college, all of their previous efforts are wasted because completing only secondary education results in a low-paying job and a return to the same never-ending cycle of poverty, money, and life.

Our social welfare organization in India intends to hire teachers who have the skills to improve the fortunes of Indian village schools and have a genuine passion for teaching. Instead of seeing it as a meaningless job, they need to treat it as a vocation. Books, notebooks, and other stationery will be given to the kids for free.

By : karan
Anand School for Excellence

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