Global Citizenship Education Promotes Social Responsibility

Education News | Jul-29-2024

Global Citizenship Education Promotes Social Responsibility

This is especially the case in the current context of globalization, which implies integration between people, cultures, and economies of the world. The essence of GCE presupposes engagement of the person in the global context, increased awareness of the global problems, and active participation in the improvement of the world. In its center, there lies the function of social responsibility: this term was introduced to make people aware of their responsibility towards society and the environment. 

Understanding Global Citizenship Education

Global Citizenship Education is a type of learning that involves teaching of ideas that are more than academics. Its purpose is to educate students for carrying out purposes in the local and international contexts that produce constructive transformations in the world. According to UNESCO, GCE is Huntington’s education for citizenship in a larger world that empowers learners to deal with global problems.

Engagement in this type of learning makes students think about themselves, the world, and how they can solve some of the challenges facing the world, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and human rights abuse.

Advocacy on Social Justice with Emphasis on Global Citizenship

According to the theory, one of the main goals of GCE is to enhance the appreciation of international relations and dependencies. In this way, demanding people globally while making local decisions, people are suggested to take a more responsible approach to their own life situations.

Students are taught to:

Respect Diversity:
Every culture, social, and political structure should be understood and accepted because that reduces chances of conflict.

Promote Sustainability:
When students learn that earth is an endowment it leads to environmental responsibilities to be taken.

Advocate for Equality:
GCE focuses on human rights and social justice, making the students conscious of the systems of oppression.
As a result of these teachings, the students get to know that their decisions in simple matters such as waste management, purchasing products from marginalized groups, or supporting those groups, decisions affect the world.

Empowering Change Through Action

Awareness is not where GCE ends, however. It focuses dialogue on the processes of engaging oneself and others in making positive changes. It compels young people into society, volunteers, and leads on issues they believe in, policy change. This can be something as basic as the cleanup of the environment around us or something as political as fighting for human rights in different countries.

It empowers students and helps them become active participants in the world by providing them with means to analyze and debate global problems.

Empathy and Shared Responsibility

Social responsibility goes hand in hand with empathy, that is having the feeling as if one is suffering or suspicious. GCE, for instance, will help students develop empathy since they will be able to learn about how people in different regions and with different abilities cope with certain situations. It opens one’s thinking to embrace the views of others and to, take responsibility for the plight of others and try to change the situation.

This feeling of community responsibility means that rather than concern with success of people around the world, global citizens consider how their actions will impact a larger culture. This results in increased levels of compassion, for instance, donating to social justice causes or campaigning for workers’ rights or the environment.

Creating Lifelong Global Citizens

The framework and practice of Global Citizenship Education make people not only want but also enable them to make the right choices for the whole of their lifetime. The lessons about the possession of a sense of social responsibility instilled in educational sectors can remain a permanent part of one’s adulthood personality, depending on the nature of career, roles in the community, and relationships.

This is why many students who undertake GCE are able to continue practicing in areas such as environmental science, human rights, and the social service sector, to name but a few. Others take the values of GCE to other professions, meaning that they are able to make socially oriented decisions in their everyday and working life.

In conclusion, Global Citizenship Education is not a specific curriculum or set of lessons; it is the drive toward a better world. Thus, by developing elements of social responsibility in a person, GCE guarantees not only awareness of the existing problems on the planet but also desire for the necessary changes. This is a globalized world wherein human society is in desperate need of collaborative partnership and tolerance that GCE nurtures students into becoming globally relevant, responsible citizens capable of contributing positively to the world.

By : Parth Yadav
Anand School of Excellence

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