Health Is Wealth

Education News | Jul-12-2021

Health Is Wealth Essay for Students and Children

The COVID 19 pandemic taught us the importance of one’s immunity and health. This situation made us believe that money is not everything and that it cannot, at any cost, buy everything. This everything includes one’s breath and the lives of loved ones, family, and friends. This made us believe that one’s health is true wealth and that one should value and take care of it. Immunity also plays a very important role in our health. Immunity can be defined as our body’s ability to fight against diseases. Thus, amongst numerous lessons COVID taught us, this one proved that one’s health is most important and that it is true wealth. So, it is very important to value and take care of it. Let’s list some ways by which we can take care of our health.

1) Balanced, healthy diet:

Eating fresh and healthy food is a very basic yet essential step to take care of our health. Our diet should be balanced and should have all carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals in accurate quantities. Junk and fast food should be eaten seldom.

2) Sleep cycle:

Our body cells heal themselves while we sleep. Having a proper sleeping routine that is our sleep cycle is very important. Eight to ten hours of sleep is very important for people of all ages.

3) Physical activities, exercising:

Exercising, walking, jogging, running are some common ways to stay physically fit. Playing sports is also a fun physical activity. Physical activity plays a very important role in our health. It involves many long-term benefits and can even help prevent chronic diseases. Also, it helps in reducing anxiety.

4) Positivity:

Our mental health is equally important to our physical health. One’s mental health can be cured by doing meditation and relaxing. One should do things that make one happy.

Last but not the least; stay positive but negative in the report!

By: Toshani Mehra

Delhi Public School, Greater Noida


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