Importance Of Mental Health Of A Child

Education News | Jul-21-2021

Importance Of Mental Health Of A Child

About one out of every ten children and teenagers suffers from mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder are among them, and they are generally a direct response to what is going on in their life. However, alarmingly, 70 percent of children and young people who have a mental health condition have not received proper therapies at a young age. Children's mental health is just as vital as their physical health. Children and young people with good mental health can have the flexibility to deal with everything life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy individuals.

Most children grow up to be mentally healthy, but polls show that today's children and young people have greater mental health issues than those of 30 years ago. That's most likely due to changes in the way we live now and how they affect our childhood experiences. Things that happen to children most of the time do not cause mental health problems on their own, but traumatic events can cause issues for children and young people who are already vulnerable. Moving homes or schools, or the birth of a new brother or sister, are all examples of triggers. Some children are happy to meet new people and participate in new activities when they start school, but others may be nervous about being in a new setting. Teenagers typically go through emotional outbursts as their minds and bodies mature. Working out and accepting who you are are both crucial aspects of growing up. Some young people struggle to adjust to adulthood and may experiment with alcohol, drugs, or other substances that can hurt mental health. 

By: Samaira Sachdeva

Delhi Public School, Gautam Buddh Nagar

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