Increased Urbanization Is Causing An Increase In Pollution

Education News | Jul-14-2020

Increased Urbanization Is Causing An Increase In Pollution

As we all are well being aware of the fact that humans are increasing day by day so the need for daily life routine also increases.

In day-to-day life for a better life, we are forgetting the importance of our nature, we all are being busy with our own stuff and are not able to focus on our surroundings. Urbanization gradually increases its root to our jovial Mother Earth, for which people from rural moves to the cities and towns.

As technology is spreading everywhere so we are not being able to look at the effects it is causing to the exemplary earth and moreover making this planet paralyze every day. It ain't too late for this to stop this scenario before it's getting too late for everyone to heal it into the normal condition as once it was. We have to stand along with our environment so that we may not make the planet into the state of defamation. Even though we are also facing difficulties due to climate change, it might lead to an increase in temperature and make humans lead to an unhealthy life. If it has not been yet we all should have to face the repercussion of the side effect to our own body.

As the atmosphere is our support system for the life we live on this planet and in that manner, it becomes our responsibility to stand with our mother planet not only in scope and hope but in reality to live to the fullest.

We know and we should have to be strong enough to cope up with the difficulties we are having along with the developing world.
The factories are making the pollution in an ample amount and it is affecting every living creature on this planet. Pollution leads to so many health problems like asthma, cancer, etc. Even though it is affecting the ozone layer of the planet and in return, the direct UV rays from the sun affect a lot to everyone.

As of now, we all know that we are being busy with our daily life stuff and won't have much time to look at this issue raising day by day.
So it becomes our first responsibility to take care of our planet and plant more and more trees. Avoid creating garbage and if possible try living in a habit of doing three precious activities i.e., REUSE, REDUCE, AND RECYCLE. It might contribute its usability to protect all of us.
Turn off electricity if it's not in use. As oxygen is the reason for our survival but due to pollution it is getting low and there is a scientific fact that if there is no oxygen on this planet then the entire infrastructure turns into the dust particle. It's time for everyone to come voluntarily and contribute some amount of good deed to this world every day by any means you are comfortable with.

The government should have to take strict action against the companies who are producing pollution in ample and there should be some rewards and perks provided to NGOs, government, and environmentalists to those who are contributing to the atmosphere positively, it will encourage more amount of people to come and join us.

It's the best time to do something instead of sitting idle and so that we should the annihilation that we are not being aware of.

By: Aditya Sharma

School: Mahaveer Public school

Class: 10th

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