Life Before And After The Internet

Education News | Oct-01-2022

Life Before And After The Internet

Life without the internet is a commodity that's hard to believe for the kiddies of the present generation. Before the arrival of the internet, for communication one had to depend fully on the post office or old age telephone services. The whole process was clumsy and precious. Only the rich could go through all these services. The rest of the world remained in dark. Before the internet came into actuality, the terms fellowship and relationship had a lot of meaning. There were no virtual musketeers. Everything was so real. To know what’s passing in the world, one had to stay for the morning review. To plan a trip, one had to visit the trip agent and find out whether the ticket was available. For checking his/ her bank account or for transferring his/ her plutocrat to some other bank, a person had to physically go to the bank and complete necessary formalities. For penetrating books, one had to go to the library which was a routine for people who were fond of reading. For flashing a product, one had to go all the way to the advertising agency and stay for days to ensure that the announcement was accepted or not. To say about, there are lots. However, they would surely say that they miss life before the internet If you ask people of those generations. Indeed though people say the internet led to globalization, some still feel that they were near to each other when there was no internet.

Now, when we see life after the internet, it's altogether different. The Internet has come to a mode of communication. It has taken over the functions of the post office, mailman, and all the central conditions. We can also keep a dupe of the transferred information. Communication has come important faster. And the technology comes at a cheap rate that anyone can go it. The terms like virtual musketeers, drooling, phishing, blog, etc came into actuality. Banking and other business deals have come easy and fast. musketeers are no longer real. No longer do we meet our cousins tête-à-tête and clinch them or get their blessings. The world has come so fantastic. With the arrival of the internet, flashing a product or service has come veritably easy.

By : Pushkar sheoran
Anand school for excellence

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