Poverty Is A Matter Of Perception

Education News | Sep-17-2021

Poverty Is A Matter Of Perception


Poverty is like a prolonged disease for any economy. It is basically where the basic needs of the family like food, clothes, shelter, etc are not fulfilled. A poor person can not get an education due to lack of money and later remains unemployed. And if we continue this chain, and the unemployed person is unable to buy nutritious food and hence they became unhealthy persons. Whereas children belonging to poor families also can’t get an education and hence they also end up in doing some work like laborers. The need for money forces them to earn it by the wrong means.

Due to poverty, children, as well as adults, also do crimes like theft, robbery, etc. There is no proper sanitation, no clean drinking water in slums which lead to many diseases. Their surroundings are also not cleaned. The government of India also took many measures to eradicate poverty. Poverty is and social evil, we all can contribute to controlling it. Food, cloth, and house are the basic needs of a human. A poor always lack one, two or all the factor of it. The children of a poor family never get proper education, nutrition, and a happy childhood environment. It leads them to become a criminal or a terrorist. Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, but the Indian farmers are also the poorest section of the population. We need to focus on the development of agriculture and its practices so that the farmers get the maximum outcome of their hard work. It will work like a boon for the country. At last, I would only say that Gandhi Ji once said that ‘India can only be independent when the poorest of its people become free of human suffering’.

By: Bhavika Sabharwal
Tagore Senior Secondary School

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