Role of Team Work and Collaborative Learning in Career

Education News | Sep-28-2022

Role of Team Work and Collaborative Learning in Career

Collaborative learning involves working as a group to solve a problem or understand an idea. While often implemented in the classroom, many companies also use collaborative learning to help professionals learn and remember important skills and concepts. In this article, we describe this learning style and the benefits of collaborative learning in the workplace.

Collaborative learning allows professionals to complete projects and learn new concepts while also developing social, teamwork, and communication skills. Collaborative learning can be done in person—such as with a group of students in a classroom—or computer-based through online platforms.

The following are 5 benefits of collaborative learning:

1. Improves problem-solving skills
Collaborative learning projects often require groups to complete a task or solve a problem. In the process, participants get to hear a variety of possible solutions from people with different opinions and perspectives. People might provide unique ideas their teammates would not have thought of. The group must then discuss and analyze each one to find the best solution. Working through a problem or an assignment as a group can help people develop their problem-solving skills or discover new ways to handle different types of situations at work.

2. Improves communication skills
Collaborative learning depends on communicating effectively to complete a task. Participants use their verbal communication skills to share ideas, explain concepts and provide feedback in clear and concise ways. They might also use written communication skills if the assignment involves tasks such as group writing or peer editing. The more people practice their communication skills in these types of settings, the stronger they tend to become.

3. Inspires creativity
Combining different views and ideas can result in creative solutions to collaborative learning assignments. One individual's idea or suggestion might inspire a new and creative idea from their team members. Collaborative learning encourages this type of creative thinking because it blends perspectives and personality types.

4. Improves confidence
When working as a group, team members help support each other as they move toward a common goal. Collaborative learning can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are shy, anxious, or introverted. A supportive group atmosphere can help them build confidence. Team members can encourage them to share their opinions and contribute to discussions. As a result, their confidence may grow as they realize their value to the group.

5. Develops critical-thinking skills
Collaborative learning can encourage participants to think at a high level. They must analyze and discuss information to come to the best decision or solve a problem. By having to explain their ideas and interpret and assess the ideas of others, people can improve their critical-thinking skills. Critical thinking is important for resolving conflicts, creating ideas, and making sure projects get completed smoothly and efficiently.

By: Simran Mehta
Shanti International School, Gujarat

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