Shall the Development of Personal Morals be a Part of School Education?

Education News | Jul-18-2022

Shall the Development of Personal Morals be a Part of School Education?

To become divine (or magnificent), man must abandon mistrust, jealousy, and vanity and learn to work together for the greater good. Swami Vivekananda believes that courage, trust (in oneself and God), patience, and consistent labor are the keys to success. Purity, patience, and endurance, he remarked, conquer all barriers.

Having moral principles and learning is exactly like planting a strong root; having a healthy root will assist the body to have healthy leaves and branches. According to a renowned adage, "if riches is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; and when a character is lost, all is lost." This is why schools have established a course called moral science to propagate moral lessons among today's modern youth. Instilling a strong moral foundation is getting increasingly difficult.

Students nowadays are preoccupied with schoolwork and games, but moral education is becoming increasingly important since it offers them a correct form and guidance as to how to act or respond in many challenging situations. Moral principles must be instilled in all age groups, especially young children, because it is claimed that young brains are empty, like a blank white sheet, and whatever mark we leave remains for years. It takes a lot more for a teacher to instill a moral foundation in their students since instructors mold our thoughts and minds to a significant extent.

Moral education is an ethical education that assists people in choosing the proper route in life. It includes fundamental concepts like honesty, truthfulness, generosity, hospitality, tolerance, love, compassion, and sympathy. Moral education leads to perfection. Education is more than just acquiring a degree; it also contains vital value-based lessons that result in character development and societal benefit.

Schools must nowadays incorporate the notion of the hidden curriculum, which refers to the transmission of norms, values, and beliefs communicated in the classroom and social milieu. It serves to reinforce the conventional curriculum's lessons, yet many schools ignore it. They place a greater emphasis on language, topics, and grades. On the one hand, a school may publicly assert and assure that its educational policies and procedures are structured in such a way that all students achieve academic success.

At the same time, it may be shown that the pupils of the specific school contribute to bad behaviors, such as bullying or test cheating. This style of schooling will hardly prepare a child to handle real circumstances such as forming opinions, making decisions, and determining the best course of action. To address this issue, schools should adopt and provide specific classes, seminars, and workshops with an experienced counselor under the supervision of educators who can assist in adding "values" lessons into the curriculum to nurture well-rounded personality development in students.

Our civilization is much more evolved and better than it used to be, but what if the individuals in it are not properly mannered? People's moral standards are deteriorating as a result of growing urbanization and modernization. An individual is unable to trust anyone, whether family or friends. Their sense of trust, honesty, love, and fraternity are all eroding with time. At school, moral ideals educate us to share and create new friends, but today's students are taught not to trust anybody and to make fewer friends.

There is fierce rivalry everywhere, whether it is in schools, universities, offices, or any talent competition. People are jealous of each other's development in today's materialistic society, but rather than becoming suspicious and envious, people should encourage and cooperate and work together for the common good. In our industrialized day, most parents work, therefore they spend less time with their children, as a result, they lack moral standards and are unable to distinguish between what is wrong and what is good.

By : Samaira Sachdeva
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