Should Schools Switch To E-Books?

Education News | May-28-2020

Should Schools Switch To E-Books?

Because of this COVID-19 pandemic, we children have started using e-books to study as we cannot go outside to buy our printed books. So, we are using e-books as a substitute for our printed books. But there are both ups and downs in both e-books and printed books. Printed books have some weight so it’s a little harder to carry them, although they are easier to work with if you are not very much familiar with e-books. On the other hand, E-books are a little harder to work with but they don’t have the weight so it’s just one device you need to carry (say.. Kindle) and one can access a number of books. And these are just a few pros and cons of e-books and printed books, but there are tons of other advantages and disadvantages. To be honest, I like printed books as they are better in my opinion. The e-books are also good but in order to work with them your screen time increases which, can be harmful to your eyes. E-books have to be downloaded which is done from the internet and when you are downloading one needs to be very careful as some times malicious programs may enter your computer. So it’s also a little on the risky side. On the other hand, printed books don’t have any of these kinds of problems. So, that’s why I like paper books. In addition to these when we read a paper book, we turn the pages; the feeling that you get cannot be expressed in words. Today’s world is the world of technology and students have to keep pace with changing times so they should know how to access and use E-books. So, in my opinion, schools should continue with paper books and give the students the opportunity to use E-books for reference and other activities.

By: Akshita Mittal

School: Delhi Public School, GBN

Class: 7th

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