Social and Personality Development through Attachment Theory

Education News | Sep-23-2022

Social and Personality Development through Attachment Theory

The attachment theory argues that a strong emotional and physical bond to one primary caregiver in our first year of life is critical to our development. If our bonding is strong and we are securely attached, then we feel like exploring the world. We know there is always that safe base which we can return to any time. If a bond is weak we feel insecurely attached. We are afraid to leave or explore a rather scary-looking world. Because we are not sure if we can return. People who are securely attached are said to have greater trust, can connect to others and as a result, are more successful in life. Insecurely attached people tend to mistrust others, like social skills, and have problems forming relationships. There is one type of secular attachment and three types of insecure attachments:

1) Anxious/Ambivalent

2) Anxious/ Avoidant

3) Anxious/ Disorganised

In responses to distress, the first three react organized while the last acts are disorganized.
Attachment is formed in the very first years of our lives a time when we are too young to communicate our anxiety and as a result can experience high levels of stress. Then our adrenal gland produces the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. The heart rate increases the blood pressure goes up and we become alert. If that happens frequently this is called toxic stress.

In short, the personality and the social development of an individual start from childhood, and the most important thing for the development of personality is the attachment with society or with our close ones.

By : Parth Aggarwal
S. D. Public School

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