Technical Education in Our Country

Education News | Feb-16-2021

Technical Education in Our Country

Under circumstances, technical education is important to run our factories and therefore the field of production. It's also financially advisable. Some houses in an Indian city are not any longer directly or indirectly hooked into machinery. Manual labor is being acquired by steam, gas, and electrical power. The powerful forces of nature are getting used to cater to the needs of the citizenry. We are ready by machinery; transportation by machinery; published by machinery; our very catering and entertainment service is being through with the assistance of radio, TV and cinemas and internet systems. Every home has got to depend upon electricity; Each office is provided with telephone and dictaphone and teleprinter, and every one sorts of computing machines. Even sports grounds have electric scoreboards and timekeepers. And this mechanization of life will increase and expand because the day will run. So we've to be mechanics and technicians to manage them and to create them, we've to create heavy industries. The necessity for industrial education in our country is not any longer a matter of debate. Today, we are wanting to take our place along with the vast power-operated machines. But to extend the progress and develop efficiency, we've to vary our education system. Our courses of study should provide an outsized space for technical subjects. Now schools are being opened for them; old schools should be forced to vary their bias. Higher emphasis on language and literature should be changed by emphasizing science; the idea of technical education for science is that the basis.

By: Jyoti Nayak

Birla School, Pilani

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