The Cause and Mechanism of Earthquake

Education News | Jun-05-2024

The Cause and Mechanism of Earthquake

Terrestrial forces, most scientifically recognized as earthquakes, are a natural occurrence that has attracted and horrified society for quite some time. These are sudden and sometimes violent movements in the ground, and they can lead to much damage and loss of life, but at the same time, they are very helpful in studying the behaviors and changes of the Earth. It is a critical necessity to understand why and how earthquakes occur and what consequences can be expected from them so that adequate preparations can be made. 

Tectonic Plate Movements

Thus, the main reason of most of the earthquakes is the shifting of tectonic plates. The lithosphere of the Earth is divided into several large and small plates that are floated over the semi-fluid asthenosphere. For orientations such that the plate is moving horizontally, the motion is extremely slow because the convective currents move the plates in the mantle at slow speeds. An earthquake takes place when there is contact between the plates, and they can either move together, pull apart, or move alongside each other.

Convergent Boundaries:
In this case, tectonic plates involved move towards each other at what known as convergent boundaries. Such a collision can force one of the tectonic plates under the other in a process called subduction. These boundaries experience a great force, and this force results in a strong motion on the Earth’s surface, referred to as an earthquake.

Divergent Boundaries:
At the divergent boundaries, tectonic plates act in opposite ways. That is, they move apart. This movement brings up the magma from the mantle and forms the new crust, thereby making it evident at mid-ocean ridges. Here, the tensional forces can also lead to creation of earthquakes.

Transform Boundaries:
At transform boundaries, plates glide laterally or in other words they move along a plane. The usual movement of the tectonic plates at the boundaries leads to the creation of tension and stress and this condition causes special earthquakes when the plates move. A famous example of transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault which lies in California.

Volcanic Activity

Moving on, we have the earthquakes whose cause is volcanic activity. Since the discovery of the role of magma, an increase in the depth that penetrates the Earth’s crust can lead to stress on the rock, thus encouraging the formation of seismic waves. These earthquakes are usually comparatively less in magnitude than the tectonic plate movement ones but can be very dangerous depending on whether they trigger volcanic eruptions or not.

Human Activities

Anthropogenic causes include the mining process, increase in pressure from water dams that cause earthquakes due to their large sizes, and hydraulic fracturing also known as fracking. These induced earthquakes are normally of smaller magnitudes but they have been increasingly and their possibility of causing damage is of concern.

Mechanisms of Earthquakes

Studying the mechanism of earthquakes presupposes identification of the processes that take place before the occurrence of the earthquake, at the time of the earthquake event, and after the earthquake.

Stress Accumulation and Release

The Earth’s crust is in a state of dynamic stress from tectonic forces. This stress over a long period of time may build up in rocks, especially at the fault zone areas, the areas in the Earth’s crust where tectonic plates interact. The load gradually mounted and passed the strength of the rocks, resulting in the failure of the rocks followed by a slip. Its quick liberation creates shake waves, which move through the Earth and make the surface shake.

Seismic Waves

In the case of an earthquake, it is a sudden release of energy in the form of seismic waves. These can move through the Earth and are recorded using instruments known as seismographs. There are several types of seismic waves, each with different characteristics: There are several types of seismic waves, each with different characteristics:

Primary Waves (P-Waves):
Of course, these are the quickest medical conditions that spread out in the form of waves within both the solid and liquid layers of the Earth. Seismic waves work in a similar manner to sound waves in that the P-waves involved compress and rare the material they travel through.

Secondary Waves (S-Waves):
S-waves take a longer time to travel, and are limited to solids only, while P-waves are faster, and they travel through both solids and liquids. Unlike P-waves, they shift the ground up and down and from side to side.

Surface Waves:
These waves move along the surface of the Earth, hence being slower than the P-waves and S-waves. These usually cause the most damage during the earthquake, mainly because of their higher amplitude and longer period. Among surface wave motions, there are Love waves, which cause motion parallel to the surface, and Rayleigh waves, which cause rolling motions.

Measuring Earthquakes

The level and strength of earthquakes are determined with the help of different scales. The Richter scale is an analysis of the size or, more specifically, the energy let out in an earthquake using logarithmic measures. The MMI scale assesses the degree of an earthquake, or the effects of an earthquake at certain Regions observed by people and structures.

In conclusion, They are multiple natural phenomena mainly caused by tectonic plate movement, volcanic effects, and occasionally human influences. Epicentre is involved in generating earthquakes where stress is built up, and when it gets to a certain point, stress is released in the form of seismic waves. Hence, the study of these processes enriches seismology and helps scientists to improve the ability to forecast the occurrence of earthquakes and minimize the consequences of the calamities. Since it is impossible to stop the occurrence of an earthquake, awareness, and preparedness will significantly minimize the loss rate.

By : Parth Yadav
Anand School of Excellence

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