The Edge of Knowledge

Education News | Oct-04-2020

The Edge of Knowledge

For over a half a century physicists have to find a theory of everything, one that would interweave all of nature’s forces and constituents within a single theoretical tapestry. There are two important theories that govern modern physics. One is Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity which provides a theoretical framework for understanding the universe on the largest of scale: stars, galaxy, etc. And the other is quantum mechanics which provides a theoretical framework for understanding the universe on the smallest of scales: molecules, atoms, and all the way down to subatomic particles such as electrons and quarks. Through years of research, the predictions made by these theories have been experimentally confirmed with great accuracy. But there is a problem; a problem which deeply troubles physicists is that both general relativity and quantum mechanics cannot be right. The theory of everything will be a theory that combines both of these. For now, the best candidate for a theory of everything is the string theory. Just as the different vibration patterns of a guitar or a violin string give rise to different vibration patterns of strings of particles give rise to different masses and force change. Although string theory has not been experimentally proved, it provides the promise of a single, unified description of the universe: a theory of everything (T.O.E.).

Basically, Knowledge may be a collection of enriched information of know-how understanding, experience, insights, intuition, and contextual data in a corporation, so it could never have a foothold. Knowledge mainly acts because the prime key resource in any organization to simplify the activities and improve the method decisions making.

We should understand well that managing knowledge is of much significance in a corporation as knowledge is unlimited. Moreover, within the current scenario of the knowledge era, the key source of wealth and prosperity is the production and distribution of data. So, Knowledge is that the biggest asset during a company, and managing these assets are of much significance to the aim of making value and meeting tactical and strategic needs in a systematic manner. When we adopt a methodical approach for Knowledge management, it might imply a robust bond to organizational goals and strategy. 

Janvi Aggarwal 

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