The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Student Success

Education News | Jul-23-2024

 The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Student Success

Academic success in today’s world is not enough since it can no longer determine what people’s lives are going to be like. With the new focus on helping students become well-rounded, Emotional Intelligence (EI), which is the ability to manage one’s feelings, has become an important parameter that determines a student's academic, social, and emotional performance.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence can be described as the capability of distinguishing, interpreting, directing, and regulating feelings in one another. Psychologist Daniel Goleman, who popularized the concept, identifies five key components of EI:

A variety of them consisting of names for acknowledging and labeling different emotions.

Regulating or modifying one's moods as one goes about one's activities or in response to events.

Motivation which comes from within and not to gain any kind of reward or recognition.

Taking someone else’s perspective and empathising with them.

Social skills:

Relationship Marketing = Developing, nurturing, and sustaining relationships with other people or organizations.

These components have a central role in the development of interpersonal relationships, decision-making ability, and approach to coping that all contribute to the definition of success.

The effects of Emotional Intelligence on the success of the students

1. Improved Academic Performance

Introducing emotional intelligence has shown an improvement in the performance of the students. Self-awareness enables students to be able to understand when they are stressed or when they cannot handle it; hence, they need to seek assistance or find ways to handle it. Another benefit of self-regulation is that time and attention are well managed, and students are able to concentrate on their work despite distractions. Moreover, unlike extrinsic motivation, it makes students to be determined and struggles in their academic endeavors.

2. Enhanced Social Interactions

Observed that students who have good emotional intelligence were able to share better relationships with their fellow students as well as teachers. These students have high levels of EI in that they are friendly and supportive and have good listening abilities as friends. They are also improving on their collaborative learning techniques that refine one's knowledge and social relations on different subjects. Moreover, communication enhances the relationships between teacher and students since there is proper interaction that will foster respect in the class.

3. Employer Support, Work-life Balance and Organisation, and Collective Well-being

The present-day learning context is very competitive, and a child faces a lot of pressures academically, through other activities, and through social pressure. The analysis also revealed that those learners with high levels of emotional intelligence are psychologically better placed to deal with stress. They know what causes them to react with certain emotions and learn how to deal with such circumstances in a healthy manner. Indeed, this explains how it assists them to find ways of dealing with the frustrations but also strengthens them to continue having a proper state of health when things are not well.

4. Better Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Manipalventure’s’ view is equally affirmative of emotionally intelligent students because they will always produce excellent solutions as a result of the control over stress. This way their conduct is rational rather than full of anxiety that one experiences when overwhelmed by certain tasks. However, with self-awareness and empathy, they are able to take into consideration other people’s views while coming up with the best solutions to problems.

5. Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom

It is essential to note that today, schools and Universities are not only emphasizing the cognitive part of a child but its emotional side as well. A number of institutions have incorporated the practice of emotional intelligence through training by means of workshops as well as SEL. Such programs empower learners with important skills and competencies that allow them to regulate their emotions and learn self-control to improve their relational and interpersonal skills, thus achieving a balanced education.

Furthermore, teachers help develop emotional intelligence as find that when as teachers they build a positive atmosphere in the classroom and encourage students. The aspects of open communication, empathy, and activity support can foster a classroom climate in which the students feel appreciated and accepted.

In conclusion, In trying to get students to achieve their success, emotional intelligence turns out to be an essential component. Thus, the cultivation of EI will enable learners not only to embrace academic success but also to appreciate healthy and embrace interpersonal connections, management of stress, and, finally, proper decision-making. Since these skills are increasingly becoming important, the development of such competencies from an early stage of a student’s life can prepare him or her for a successful career in the emotional intelligence world.

By : Parth Yadav
Anand School of Excellence

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