Editorials News

Impact of Changing Weather on Volcanic Eruption

Impact of Changing Weather on Volcanic Eruption

The scientists have done a study on changing weather and its impact on volcanoes. The study by UBC has shown that the climate change may prevent volcanoes from cooling the planet. A new research shows

Scientists Found Link Between Kids and Muscle Fitness

Scientists Found Link Between Kids and Muscle Fitness

The scientists have found a strong connection between kids’ fitness and the impact of fitness on their mental performance. As per a U.S. study, children’s muscle fitness insures their scho

Mass Fishing Indicate Neolithic Age Signs

Mass Fishing Indicate Neolithic Age Signs

The scientists from a Sweden-based University have discovered new and well protected Neolithic age sites deep in the ocean. As per the researchers, six-year-old findings have been re-evaluated by them

First Parrot Fossil Unearthed

First Parrot Fossil Unearthed

The researchers have revealed the oldest parrot fossil from Siberia. The scientists said the fossils are 16 to 18 million years old. Where mostly people think that the region was famous for brown bear

Cosmic Rays Observed by Earth

Cosmic Rays Observed by Earth

The scientists from India and Japan have captured the moment when a huge cloud containing hot gases, released from the Sun battered Earth's magnetic shield. Due to these activities, the magnetic shiel

Water Mystery, Revealed By Scientists

 Water Mystery, Revealed By Scientists

The scientists have discovered the physical properties of water. As per the study, water hits a crossover temperature and start moving from one liquid state to another, when heated between 40 and 60 d

Slovenia Protects the Environment

Slovenia Protects the Environment

A current research showed Slovenia is the best country at using nature. The research was conducted with the help of the Government efforts to vanish pollution. The scientists added that they did this

Extra Salty Food Leads to Several Health Diseases

Extra Salty Food Leads to Several Health Diseases

A report by WHO has shown that Indians take more than twice of the recommended amount of salt. The scientists have stated that the unhealthy diet and extra amount of salt can invite the risk of cardio

Mystery of 49,000-Year-Old Cave

Mystery of 49,000-Year-Old Cave

The scientists have found tools and bone remains from marsupial were found in a cave high on a cliff in Flinders Ranges, in South Australia. The scientists have challenged the history by declaring the

Mystery Behind the Missing GPS Connection

Mystery Behind the Missing GPS Connection

A study has revealed that the thunderstorms are the real reason behind the GPS blackout.  The scientists from European Space Agency (ESA) have found thunderstorms on low orbiting satellites while

New Technology to Tackle Flight Delays

New Technology to Tackle Flight Delays

NASA has developed a new technology that can tackle the issue of a flight delay. The scientists have created this technology in such a way that it can help the entire Airport system. By using this new

Human Made Co2 Can Be Seen

Human Made Co2 Can Be Seen

Oops! The scientists have made maps of human releases of carbon dioxide from satellite observations of the greenhouse gas. As per the scientists, the map is based on data from NASA's Orbiting Carbon O
