Editorials News

Changes in Brain Due to Allergies

Changes in Brain Due to Allergies

A study has found that the seasonal allergies cause changes in the functioning of brain. A researcher has also analyzed that hippocampus a part of the brain is liable for forming new memories and the

Pope Declared Mother Teresa a Saint

Pope Declared Mother Teresa a Saint

Mother Teresa is declared a saint by Pope Francis at Vatican on 4th September, 2016.  For many poor and needy whom mother Teresa served, the nun was a living saint. The tiny nun in a white and bl

5000 Years Old Grooves Found in Tamil Nadu

5000 Years Old Grooves Found in Tamil Nadu

K. Umapathi, a student from Epigraphy and Archaeology has discovered the grooves on a bed rock, which was used for sharpening polished stone axes of Neolithic age. The grooves were found at Pathari on

Ancient Irrigation Work at Sanchi

Ancient Irrigation Work at Sanchi

Sanchi is located in Madhya Pradesh and is a site known for its stupas, pillars, temples, monasteries and sculptural wealth. This is the wonderful place where the beginning and downfall of Buddhist ar

Scientists Converts Carbon Dioxide into Fuel

Scientists Converts Carbon Dioxide into Fuel

Carbon dioxide is the main cause for increasing the rate of climate change. Scientists and policy makers around the world are trying to combat this rate. Burning of fossil fuels in plants and car eng

World's Ocean Is In Danger

World's Ocean Is In Danger

Growing garbage inside the world’s ocean is the most important issue which is bothering the scientists. This major issue came into existence after Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 went missing. Dis

New Guidelines to Fight Earthquake’s Harmful Effects

New Guidelines to Fight Earthquake’s Harmful Effects

According to the numerical analysis, soil dissipation is the result of surface and guided waves. The researchers have designed new guidelines to reduce effects of earthquake. A team of researchers h

Reliability in Wind Power to Improve

Reliability in Wind Power to Improve

Carbon coating not necessarily designed for wind turbines may indeed prove to be a boon to the wind industry as per the findings published in the journal Tribiology International. Because of the dema

New Species of Dinosaur Help to Discern Evolutionary Origin of the Megaraptorid Clade

New Species of Dinosaur Help to Discern Evolutionary Origin of the Megaraptorid Clade

A new species of megaraptorid Dinosaur has been discovered in Patagonia. This latest discovery may help to determine the evolution of the megaraptorid clade. This study was published by University of

Daily Change of Climate on Jupiter’s Moon Io

Daily Change of Climate on Jupiter’s Moon Io

The atmosphere of Jupiter’s volcanically active satellite Io collapses as the giant gas planet shed its shadow over the moon’s surface during daily eclipse discovered by a team of astronom

Recent Evidence of Eastern Himalaya Drift

     Recent Evidence of Eastern Himalaya Drift

A gorge along the Parlung River, the eastern Himalayas syntaxis in Tibet is tectonically active. The concurrence of high mountains and strong rivers that cause erosion makes it an ideal place to study

Telescopes to View Stars in Ancient Tombs

Telescopes to View Stars in Ancient Tombs

  Nearly 6,000 years ago, stone constructions built as tombs may have served the purpose to watch the skies, millennia before telescopes were invented as per a new research. Astronomers propose
