Abysmal Performance by Indian Wrestlers at the World Cup

Editorials News | Feb-27-2017

Abysmal Performance by Indian Wrestlers at the World Cup

India lost 7-1 and 8-0 to Mongolia and host Iran respectively in the first two matches at the Wrestling World Cup. India lost 16 bouts and won only one.

The Indians wrestlers not just lost embarrassingly but they also seemed under-prepared. The only saving grace was Deepak’s 8-7 win over Unurbat Purevjav in the 86kg category.

Amit Dahiya, who was to replace an injured Utkarsh Kale in the 57kg category, could not make it to the World Cup because he couldn’t get a visa in time. This translated into a 0-1 defeat for India at the beginning of both matches.

The wrestlers gave a tough fight in all of the bouts with Mongolia but seemed to give up towards the end of every bout. Even Deepak’s deserving 8-7 win did not serve to motivate much the rest of the team. Later in the day against Iran, Indian wrestlers faced humiliating defeats. The most experienced player on the team, Bajrang, offered feeble resistance and lost both his bouts.

The Wrestling World Cup is a prestigious tournament where wrestlers from only the top eight countries compete against each other. A team fights eight bouts in different weight categories. The team that wins the most number of bouts is declared the winner.

Content: http://indianexpress.com/article/sports/sport-others/wrestling-world-cup-mongolia-iran-complete-demolition-job-4529091/ 

Image: http://www.dnaindia.com/sport/report-four-talented-indian-wrestlers-handed-ban-rio-olympic-dreams-over-2207737

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