Nile River: The Longest in the World
Editorials News | Dec-24-2019
Do you know what is the longest river in the world, obviously we all are familiar with it. The Nile has always been credited as one of the longest river that is present in our world. The main source of river Nile is Lake Victoria that lies in east central Africa. From the farthest stream of Nile in Burundi, the long river extends its length to 6,695 km which is equivalent to 4,160 miles.
The two longest rivers that are present in the world are the Nile that flows into the Mediterranean, and also the Amazon that flows into the South Atlantic. Which is the longer is more of a matter of definition than doing simple measurement.
Till the year 1971, it was the true source of the Amazon discovered, that was done by Loren McIntyre (USA) in the Andes of southern Peru that was snow-covered.
The Amazon began with snowbound lakes and brooks which is the actual source and has been named Laguna McIntyre-which further converge to form the Apurimac.
This also joins other streams for becoming the Ene, the Tambo and further then the Ucayali. From the confluence of the Marañón and Ucayali river is known as the Amazon for the final 3,700 km (2,300 miles) as it continuously flows through Brazil into the large Atlantic Ocean.
The Amazon has various mouths, which widens towards the sea, so that the ending point of where river ends is always uncertain.
By: Prerana Sharma
Content: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-river/
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