'Sanskrit Is The Mother Language Of All Languages' - Your Thought On This

Editorials News | Apr-26-2020

'Sanskrit Is The Mother Language Of All Languages' - Your Thought On This

Once Sri Aurobindo said, “Sanskrit language, as has been universally recognized by those competent to form a judgment, as one of the most magnificent, the most perfect, the most prominent and wonderfully sufficient literary instruments developed by the human mind.“
And indeed it is being widely recognized by mankind, in today’s world.

Which Is The Mother Language of All Languages

The word ‘SANSKRIT’ is derived by joining two prefixes - ‘sam’, which is connected to the word ‘samyak’ meaning ‘entirely’, and ‘ krit’, that means ‘done’. So the word ‘SANSKRIT’ means entirely done or done in a perfect or proper manner.

It is believed that BRAHMA- the god of creation created this language and passed it to the rishis (sages). These rishis furthermore passed on this language to their followers on earth, through which, Sanskrit began to spread on earth. Sanskrit is also known as ‘Deva-Vani’(gods language) as Brahma created this language. Sanskrit was widely spreading in the world by the disciples of the rishis of heaven, and in 2nd millennium B.C.E ‘Rig Veda’ was written in Sanskrit. It was written for future generations. After Rig Veda, three more Vedas were written which were - Yajurveda; Samaveda and Atharvaveda. Apart from Vedas, many Upanishads and also Puranas were written during that period. Due to which the period was known as the Vedic period(1500 B.C.E-500 B.C.E) and this part of Sanskrit came to be known as Vedic Sanskrit. The richness and purity of Vedic Sanskrit still remain to this day. According to sources, it is believed that after Upanishads were written, the Vedic period came to end. Panini, who was a grammar researcher, came in to introduce a more polished version of Sanskrit. He wrote ‘ASHTADYAYI’, which means ‘eight chapters’, around the 4th B.C.E. It is considered as the only available source of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary in today’s world. And therefore, this part of Sanskrit came to be known as Classical Sanskrit. If you will notice the letters of Sanskrit carefully, you will see that the words are spoken in a manner through which sounds come from all the five points of the mouth. Due to this reason, it is believed by many historians that Sanskrit is the first language that the humans learned, as its letters depict how humans might have released sounds out of their mouths for the first time. These sounds later might have gotten converted into words, through which humans learned how to express themselves instead of carving on rocks. This is one of the main reasons why Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all the languages.

Regarded as the ancient language in Hinduism, and also have its influence on other Indian languages and religion, I must say, Sanskrit is indeed a language of logical techniques and beautiful words. A lot of times judged by people due to its unpopularity, but still, it is considered by the world as one of the oldest languages. It is also regarded as one of the national languages in India. Apart from its influence on the languages of the Indian subcontinent, it has a huge influence on other languages too. Chinese has been recognized to be influenced by Sanskrit. It has also influenced Thailand and Sri Lanka’s languages to a great extent. Javanese and Malay have many similar-sounding words that have been picked by Sanskrit. Many European languages are closely related to Sanskrit, one of the recent and famous example being German. Not only these languages but English too is related or as said by sources influenced by Sanskrit. Just like you all, I was confused and shocked, at the same time, but after researching it actually turned out to be clear. The word’ man ‘sounds similar to the word ‘manu’ which means a person. Also, the word ‘path’ sounds similar to the word ‘patha’ which means away. The list is not over yet, there are thousands of words in other languages that do not only sound similar but also share the same meaning with the words in Sanskrit. This is a very strong reason which made me believe that Sanskrit is the mother of all the languages. Not just me but now the whole world has started to believe this fact. Germany has 14 universities completely dedicated to Sanskrit. In Britain, St. James School has been teaching Sanskrit for 35 years. Also, universities in the US are too offering courses in Sanskrit; the famous university, Haward is one of them. And they all are adopting Sanskrit because of numerous reasons.

Sanskrit Is the Mother of All Languages

It is not a language of religion, but a language that includes religion too. It is said that works of science are more than that of religion in Sanskrit. This fact has been realized by many computer engineers and the world-known space organization, NASA, that a computer can be programmed by using Sanskrit. Due to its structure, it can be easily understood by a computer, due to which many renowned nations of the world are interested to spread Sanskrit among their people for their development. So Sanskrit is not only a language that connects us with our past but it is also a language that will connect us with the coming future.

But it’s sad that the future of Sanskrit, from its own land and by its own people’, is fading away. With the modern ways of living, we have forgotten our culture too. We might be knowing how to say greetings in different languages but we might not be able to answer the same in Sanskrit. We have to look at which position are we standing, the world has started to realize Sanskrit’s importance and being Indians, we should feel proud and learn it from our souls. These words said by the Mother in 1967 are really important for us, especially for this generation.” every child born in India should know it(Sanskrit), just as every child born in France has to know French”. But still, not a lot of time is wasted and it is clear that our development and also the preservation of our culture lies in this language, the mother of all languages- SANSKRIT.

By: Ahana Bajpai

School: Delhi World Public School

Class: 8th

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